If you could change the world for the better in the time it take to change a light bulb? Would you?
Of course I would. I'm very energy efficient now, except the time wasted playing on the computer like NOW.
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If you could change the world for the better in the time it take to change a light bulb? Would you?
I'm polish so i would have to invite friends over and see how long it takes us to change the bulb. We will get back to U.
Do you mean those fluorescent light bulbs that are made in China and have polluting Mercury in them? They are supposed to last for years but due to their poor manufacturing practices, usually burn out quickly, and therefore NEVER save either energy or money!
I already did this when I changed all of my light-bulbs to compact florescent bulbs. The world is better because I don't use as much natural resources to light my home.
Yes I would and I do all light bulbs in my house are energy saving fluorescent bulbs and I buy only Energy Star Appliances. Keep spreading the word.
Yes, I would. I think that it would be worth it. The fact that our world is falling to pollution is horrible and I think we need to change that. We need a new energy source that is clean as well. What we also need is a sane president but you know what I mean.
Yes I'm trying .Would you ?( www.first-molecule.com )
Yes, but that may not be what other want!
PC games v outdoors
profits v effort
Get rid of all armed forces and use the resources to regenerate devastated areas