I've read some of the comments on this site and so many of them are destructive and degrading, belittling and not really intelligent, but it's true. I've read comments made about black women-how they tend to act ghetto or or gold diggers and overall aren't that great, and I've heard some comments made about black women that states that black men aren't that attractive and white men are more attractive than black men and Black men generally aren't attractive at all and the bad thing about it is these are comments made by BLACK people themselves females against males and males against females!!! What's going on? There seems to be so much hatred in the black community- the sexes. I'm a black male who was always told by my mother not to be uneducated or a drop out of high school and I graduated high school with honors and I'm going to college to study finance and other business classes to become a C.E.O of my own company one day and to be a stockbroker/trader. In my school I've seen so many people that had the potential to do well fall behind and it's shameful because they are smart and they don't put their brain to use as much as they should. My mother also taught me to have respect RESPECT for black women which from the comments I'm reading seems like there isn't a bountiful amount going around to black women, and vice verse. I do everything I can to get my mind prepared for the business world from reading the Wall Street Journal, reading the dictionary to improve my vocabulary, and networking with people. There is so much hate in the black community and I don't have the slightest idea where it's coming from. I mean I don't hate my race at all, but I felt and witnessed a lot of hate. This needs to be dealt with and fixed because this problem is a barrier that needs to be knocked down. I'm open to discussion whether it be on yahoo-drumthought@yahoo.com or msn-warlordbubinga@live.com. I believe I can help shed some light and change some minds.
So Much Racism!!!! What is the World coming to??
Its all crap everybody should get along with everybody different race shouldn't make a difference
So Much Racism!!!! What is the World coming to??
This only seems to happen in the black race in America, well that goes back to the bible when GOD said he would turn your brothers eyes against you and even the woman this is in Duetoronomy the 28th chapter. Black people in this country do not know that there is a curse put on them from GOD because we forget GODS commandments we are the real Jews and that is all throughtout the bible but we broke GODS commandments and are worshiping other things such as money and material things. The black woman is crazy for material things and want it so bad that they are willing to date people outside of their race no other group of woman do this, black man do it because the black woman most of the time is mean and disrespectful and not submissive. America is not a Christian nation like it says because they have designed it for black woman to be over the man and let us not forget about slavery and what that has done to our people. I could politely debate you on a subject our show you in the scriptures what I am talking about.
i totally agree with you. all this self hate is ridiculous. all this hate period is stupid. we're all people we all bleed red. everybody needs to get over it.
We are all Human we have faults ... we should all get along
ya reflects society (and a lot of really young and immature people seeking attention and trying to get a rise out of others). there are a lot of sterotypical views and racism expressed. i like to answer the questions because there is some anonymity and I hope i can help someone have a different perspective. i hope you will join me in answering such questions. There are deep, long historical problems that aren't going away soon. racism has existed on every continent in every age. the upper slovenians look down on the lower slovenians and there is a lot of tribal discrimination in africa (you can't get a job unless youare in the tribe of the leader etc.) it's rampant. but i belive that individuals can change their viewpoints. that's why i keep answering. in real life people don't ask my opinion as much as they do on ya. i have a lot of life experience so i try to help make the world a better place. young people don't know much yet. often they haven't been exposed much to other races (particularly young whites in predom white situations have not had experience).
It's a true and devastating fact that, where there are differences there are haters. And it's not just the black race, as you can probably tell.
This fight against racism is a battle i don't think will end shortly. People's stereo-types of a certain person's appearance cause others to judge irrationally.
Everyone needs to be treated equal, and so racism's fight should start should start out with no longer having special treatment to any race.
I think EVERY race is discriminated against in some form or another.
There will always be people judging others by their appearance, it sadly doesn't stop with the color of their skin.
I almost think it's someway natural. I don't support it at all but racism is the same as any other -ism. -Ism's can't be stopped where there are differences they're haters. The battle will never end
WHAT THE HELL? So much racism in todays world! Are you telling me in the time of apartheid, slavery and mass ethnic cleansing that there was less racism! TRY WATCHING THE HISTORY CHANNEL MORE!
I honestly do not believe that it's as bad as it seems when you read Yahoo Answers. I think that it's just the typical case of a very vocal minority hiding behind the anonymity that the computer provides. I have to take a break from YA sometimes or else I run the risk of turning into a cynic. Don't spend too much time here, and don't take it all as gospel. You'll lose faith in other people if you do.