Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why is the world so closed minded, so hypocritical? When will this ever change?

Why do people judge people for what they do in their lives? It really isn't any of anybody else's business, is it? Why are people so selfish that the only thing that they can think of is to push themselves farther in life. What happened to being good people and trying to help everybody out? Does nobody else value that anymore? Did I miss the memo?

Please some explain this to me if you care to.
Why is the world so closed minded, so hypocritical? When will this ever change?
Animals are nice.

Humans are mean.

That's just the way the world is.

I like animals more than humans.
Why is the world so closed minded, so hypocritical? When will this ever change?
This will Never change. The world will end like this
Humans are just generally selfish creatures. We can't help it, it's in our nature to do terrible things and good things. It's one of the constants in life.
We are evolving. Hopefully we will not extinct ourselves before we learn to stop hating. Not popular, but religion has always been the main culprit to all wars. Man is incurably religious, probably because we feel all alone and we are self absorbed.


Good Question

YOu get a star
i get a lot of crap for have 5 kids at 23 = /

i cant say i only think of myself since im always thinking of my husband and kids..
Shaan dude is right. We in the world want to be better than everyone causing us to demolish the feelings that we have for others, judge those when they do something wrong or better than them, judge someone just because they have nothing else to do and because their mind is perverted and defiled. It's something that has been happening since the begginning of time when Eve was deceived.

You didn't miss the memo, it's been happening for a long time.
Have faith in peoplenot all u'r fingers the same their are good and bad but always will the good win it shall all end when the truth stop being relative and their shall be one truth the real truth without fraud the world then will be good u just have faith and get out don't be afraid of facing the wrong because u r right
Cause it will not change, people are really self centered about themselves and only worry bout theirselves, why? I don't know, its sad that people don't care about anyone else, but not everyone, believe it or not their are a few people who do............... Just gave birth to twins has no idea what you are talking about apparantly she is one of the ignorant ones......................
the reality is the world will never change.

as long as we have these fools living here it shall remain the same

it's sad, it holds us back as a evolving race
%26quot; When will this ever change? %26quot; . . .

I doubt it ever will, we won't let it,

animals compete to live, humans

live, to compete . . .
It's because people rarely leave their little bubbles and believe the hype on the media