Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What is the true value of American traditions?

So many conservatives speak with righteous pride of preserving traditions and I'm not sure I understand why that is so valuable when the world is changing with increased population and advancements in technology.

For example, for decades many American traditions such beliefs as:

%26quot;A woman's place is in the home%26quot;.

%26quot;It's alright to pollute rivers and streams for the sake of business%26quot;.

%26quot;Owning another human being is a right, it's what our economy is based on%26quot;.

How does anyone know what %26quot;traditional%26quot; beliefs are meant to be preserved and which are just fear of change?
What is the true value of American traditions?
Right now most of their actions are, in my opinion, are because of fear of change. I see no benefits coming from most of the things they are trying to protect.

Traditional marriage - what benefits will come with only men and women being allowed to marry. It's like that now in most states and i see no benefits.

Keeping prostitution illegal - i agree. When people express themselves sexually, unwisely, they endanger the general masses by helping to spread many diseases.

Against teaching sex based education - what a load of bull. Abstinence is a joke and MOST teenagers do have sex way before marriage.
What is the true value of American traditions?
so, you pick themes that have NOTHING to do with the constitution or personal freedom and complain about them?? The values of America have NOTHING to do with the things you mentioned my friend. sorry. Swing and a miss.....
Your a retard. Learn your history. Conservatives stopped slavery. Nothing wrong with a mother raising their children. We will be speaking Chineese soon because they open a new coal power plant every week. Go live in california please.

Mike lives in California and is currently smoking the medical mary jane. Surprised you could even hit they keys. Keep reading your own headlines and ignoring history. Were almost what you want, 1970's USSR
quagmire has my vote.

They're like all those pictures of their grandkids they have in the garage. They're merely sentimental and hardly ever reconsidered once they've been developed.
Oh yes the traditional American values: The values %26quot;conservatives%26quot; want to %26quot;conserve.%26quot;







gender discrimination






what will we do in this world when the people that hate the best are gone. Those Conservative who show every day how precious life is by killing innocent civilians in pursuit of Precious resources from other nations. The smell of burning flesh, amputee kids, police brutality. Oh!! these days, lets never forget them. lets never forget the great humanitarian conservatives, who starve other nations so that we can buy all the material things we desire but don't need.


not surprise you would agree with his statement based on others you have made. I guess it suits you well to be a bigot. But hey to each its own, enjoy while you can.

White power, white power , white power !!! LMAO
It's not the traditions of the Middle East or Africa or South America. You need to go live in some sh*thole country that does nothing to better itself but has indoctrinated hatred of white Americans.
Conservatives supported slavery? I was under the impression Abe Lincoln was a conservative. need to read more. And do conservatives don't like change? that is a slogan that was created by the Woodrow Wilson (a republican mind you) administration, the administration reponsible for killing capitalism in this country. Conservatives were the reason women were able to get out of the homes by encouraging the growth of factories. And have you ever noticed that the word conservative comes from the infinitive to conserve. To conserve lakes, streams, enviroment, but not in a manner where logic is thrown out the window such as a Carbon Tax on whosoever breaths. Personally, I am one conservative that is all for change in this country, considering the mess the liberals have managed to drive it to in the last few months.