Saturday, 24 September 2011

Do you think that woman are taking over ?

Around 6 in 10 new graduates are now female.The Business world has been changing dramatically in recent years, women are establishing an increasing, and even dominant presence in the business world. In Britain, the population of millionaires has recently become majority female. Forbes reports, in 2003, the average wealth of women in the top 400 surpassing that of men. Do you think that woman are taking over ?
Do you think that woman are taking over ?
I answered your other question just like this:

Since the majority of power in the US business and university worlds still lie in the hands of white male Board of Directors, primarily white male Company and University Presidents,VP's, CEO's, CFO's, no, I don't foresee US women taking over either the US business world or the university leadership any time soon. These guys are going to give their power to people like themselves, since that's who they are comfortable with.

The reason black and white US women are opening so many businesses themselves is because once they get to management or even middle management, the glass wall and ceiling appears between them and upper management. They get tired of banging their heads against the quiet to open sexism at play, and open their own businesses, so they can finally run the show. Once they are running their own businesses, women are doing very well. Can you imagine the state of our US corporations and universities if more women were running things, instead of being pushed out of the old white boys club?

I don't see the US political landscape or our religious groups changing very much either. Since politics affects our business and educational institutions a great deal, I don't see women making an impact in our society except through their own businesses and in their personal lives. This is a fairly sexist and racist society, it will take more than a few more women graduating from college to make a difference.
Do you think that woman are taking over ?
No, I think we are just finally seeing the effects of the Feminist Movement.
Not as long as I'm around. The only reason why many women got to where they are is because of hand-outs and special benefits

And by the way, where's your sources to back up what you're saying?
Take away the restrictions and we do just as well.

It'll balance out.

So no, I don't think so, considering that before this century it was completely opposite.
This would only be possible if men and women stayed home to care for children in exactly equal ratios. They don't, and probably never will. However, I agree that women are making more of a mark on the business world, which is great. For that, I think we can thank birth control. Now we can have both a husband/partner and time our pregnancies or avoid them alltogether.
we're not taking over. those women worked hard for their success. work hard like them and you too will reap the benefits!
Hippolyta H, I wish that women were taking over. Unfortunately, women are also the majority of people enrolled in the programs for the impoverished in the US and are typically those most impacted by adverse economic effects. I'm sure many of us can see this in our own families, where moms are working more hours than ever, doing household chores, and providing sustenance and nurturing for all in the household. I don't think the women who are doing big jobs with big paychecks are the super-women of the age: rather, I think it's the women who are creating miracles of everyday life.
Not taking over, just catching up.

By the way uk graduate statistics these days are next to worthless as about 35% of school leavers now obtain degrees, compared to just 5% two decades ago. Many of the degrees now obtained aren't worth the paper they are printed on.

If you examine the distribution of degrees from the top academic uk universities you will find a very different story.

You would also find that women dominate some subjects like nursing and teaching which alone probably account for the difference between male and female graduate numbers.

The millionaires thing bears some scrutiny too, but without knowing the source of these womens wealth it is hard to dfraw conclusions. Roman Abramovichs ex wife got billions in her divorce settlement, and Jemima Goldsmith inherited a vast fortune from her dad. There are 2 of your 400 right there.

On the whole though - women are catching up in the uk.
hell yes we are get used to it
I really think we are. The next generation of children will be very surprised to learn that most women stayed home once.
No; being a woman myself; I don't think so even though women have made great strides to get where they are today; many by honest means and others by not so honest means, such as, preferred treatment, which enables them and minorities to shove some one out of their position just so they can get in. Yet, had it not been for men they would not have got as far as they have. As for the rich woman thing that could go three ways. She got it from daddy, her divorce settlement and or she worked her behind off. Women are just catching up.
Taking over? You pose your question as if that is the goal of least in terms of man's perception. I think, and it's just me, but I think there is an approaching equality. I think men have begun to realize the value of women in their human characteristics. I think the triats you have pointed out are not owned by any particular gender. So taking over? Not hardly, but women are successfully establishing themselves as equals...

But us men can still write our names in the snow...neener neener neener!