In Survivor Series 1990 people never expected a legend coming to the ring.
When wrestling was at its highest this complete stranger comes to the ring and made a big impression.
They were terrified with fear and some wrestling critics may predict that with such a silly gimmick this wouldn't last long.
The Undertaker wrestled and for his first match he made his mark that he would raise hell in WWF.
In the following years he had reached popularity that would later make him a WWF champion.
It wasnt't long that he became good friends with other wrestlers and probably was the most powerful wrestler backstage other than The Kliq members.
And with this fast world of wrestling time had caught WWF and Vince decided to make new stars.
These stars were to be Shawn Michaels Bret Hart Kevin Nash Scott Hall and The Undertaker.
While WWF was losing money even though the matches were getting better its rival WCW had been rising with the birth of NWO and also a little indie promotion called ECW was proved to be deadly WWF changed and with the influence of ECW WWF ushered in to the Attitude Era.
He proved why he's the most respected guy backstage even today by threatening HBK to agree to lose to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
While this happens The Undertaker after being in the main event for years proved why he's so respected that he would willingly lose to Stone Cold.
After this his gimmick as The Deadman was exploited with him doing supernatural alliances.
Today he's more human than what Taker was during those days.
Although doing little in the Attitude Era he was still one of the brightest wrestler of the 90s.
And he had elevated the careers of Stone Cold Mankind and Kane.
This is why he's so much respected-not caring about his W-L chart but how he could help wrestlers.
And as WCW went out of business Taker changed and with this Biker gimmick his Deadman gimmick was ruined and that it totally weakened the illusion of Taker being really %26quot;dead%26quot;.
He again elevated the careers of Brock Lesnar Kurt Angle and even Matt Hardy.
He had been for WWE for years now and it proves how he could adapt the fast-paced world of wrestling and how he could make his fans entertained by transforming himself and adding moves to his arsenal.
And like eveything in WWE even the best characters has to end and like Hollywood Hogan The American Bada** has to end.
His return as The Deadman proved to be successful because even years as Big Evil his character as The Deadman still sells and the crowd still believes he's The Phenom.
And right now he's still believable and right now he proves that he could still carry a match and carry a feud and could elevate careers such as Mr.Kennedy Batista Edge etc.
But with this much respect was also a backlash.
What I'm talking bout is how he's only remembered as The Deadman not because of his wrestling skills.
People forget that The Undertaker is just a gimmick and nothing less.
It's just a gimmick that surpassed the test of time by constant change.
People seems to not notice how Mark's more than The Undertaker.
So the question is why is The Undertaker so respected??
A)How he could adapt from the fast changing world of wrestling and keeps his fans interested
B)How he could forget his legacy and put wrestlers over
C)How his gimmick could still sell even if te gimmick had lasted for years
D)His wrestling skills could carry a match by himself
Please read the WHOLE thing!!!
The Undertaker-Deep Character Study Of The Deadman?
The reason he is so respected is because he has been with the same company and at the top of it no less, for 20 years.
The reason for this respect is his longetivity. The reason for the longetivity is up for debate. Personally I think it boils down to two things
1) Insanely good gimmick
2) He's always been a company man. I've neve heard any stories of him causing problems or refusing to put people over.
I'm not sure about the threatening HBK thing though. When he was fighting Austin, Michaels knew he was on his way out and as much of a dick as he was at the time I doubt he would have ****** the whole company over in such away.
Also, at that stage of hsi career I doubt even a threat from Taker would have had much effect on him