Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why won't a leader like Lech Walesa rise to lead us to new government?

Walesa and others have had the nerve to step to the front and risk it all. He was just another worker in the Polish Electricians Union. One brave man just decided to risk it all and changed the world. Is he already forgotten? Why are Americans different and refuse to challenge a corrupt ruling elite? Is it just not time? Not enough government bs yet? No leadership here but typical sloganeers and pandering politicians. The national debt is $10 trillion and dissatisfaction is at record low levels but, still, it is business as usual with the Fat Cats and their puppets.
Why won't a leader like Lech Walesa rise to lead us to new government?
Walesa was great as a Union leader, but he did not pass the exam being a president...
Why won't a leader like Lech Walesa rise to lead us to new government?
Well, Lech Walesa did not have the education or experience to be president. His intentions were correct but that is not enough to be a good president.

Anyway, what he did as a union leader is history, and he got a deserved Nobel prize for it.

By the way he is still active in Poland's politics.

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Yeah. He was a great leader, but not really president %26quot;material%26quot;. and btw he's my uncle

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Even if Obama gets in office our government will still be better than Poland's was even after the revolution. Try harder and you might succeed in life and won't need the government to do it for you.
Oh well . . . . .
It was an American who risk it all You know him He was that shoot from the hip know nothing stupid cowboy going to start WW 3 Mr Reagan the man who won the cold war While over the pond they were the go along to get along co=exist if we dis-arm they might nuclear free zone cowards
Good idea, I will mail him and ask him to run for the Presidency ... and you never know he might accept and win it too !
you are in the wrong country-this is the united states of america and as bad as it is we are the best there is so take your walesa and go back home