Wednesday, 21 September 2011

So, what do we think of Bush being the ONLY World leader to refuse to set limits on carbon emissions at Bali?

Out of all the leaders at the Bali Conference on climate change and global warming, how come George Bush was the only one to refuse to set limits? Is he trying desperately to curry favour with the American people and Big Business by

refusing to restrict the use of fossil fuels?

Or is it simply that , not content with destroying so many young U.S. soldiers' lives in Iraq, he now wants to destroy the World by global warming?
So, what do we think of Bush being the ONLY World leader to refuse to set limits on carbon emissions at Bali?
You should really take your nose out of the Bush hate talking points and look into reality for a moment.
So, what do we think of Bush being the ONLY World leader to refuse to set limits on carbon emissions at Bali?
I'm not surprised, I think he should be impeached for many things. He's a dishonest idiot, how much competence can you really expect at this point? BTW: I hated Bush before it was cool...
I dont think you need an answer to this but ACTION...go there and vote in the next elections and see what difference you can make to America and the world..
I think he is a man that is not buying into the BS on Global Warming being mans fault.

Ever check up on sun spots and the record of sun spots to the relationship of the heat on a given day on the earth?

As for young men and women in Iraq, we kill more on the interstate system in the U.S. in one year then the five years of war we have been in. Should we stop all drivers from driving cars so you can walk to work and save the oil that is from dead animals, I beat your still believing that one too. fossil fuels, what school did you go ?,, how do you turn bones waste and fat into crude oil? We should start drilling in the cemeteries soon then for oil right?
Very consistent to his fellow billionaire cronies....tyrants never change they just get thrown out....
Sounds about, right!

His only concern is for his Big business and Oil Co. buds!

He surely doesn't have to worry about 'elections' for 2008!

As I always said bush, always was and always will be an %26quot;IDIOT%26quot;

AMERICA: %26quot;W-T-F WERE YOU THINKING%26quot;?! (not once but, TWICE)
Because unlike so many on the Left, President Bush does not hate America nor does he hate Capitalism. The whole global warming sham is starting to come apart. The ice in Antarctica is growing at a record rate, the predictions about hurricanes was way off, the temperatures in America are below normal for this time of the year.

More and more scientists are coming out and rejecting the whole man made crisis theory. Soon this will go the same as the New Ice Age Crisis, the Ozone Hole Crisis, The Dying Ocean Crisis, The Endangered Spotted Owl Crisis, the Alar in Apples Crisis and many others. These people are deliberately deceiving us for political gain.

I know that a lot of young people never heard of these other Crisis'. The media doesn't say much about them any more but they were all being cited as absolute scientific fact over the last few decades. We were being ridiculed for not %26quot;doing something%26quot; back then as well. It is well worth noting, that the %26quot;Something%26quot; we are always being asked to do to %26quot;save the world%26quot; involves adopting more Socialist policies and damaging our economy.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. The overpopulation crisis was supposed to bring the world to an end by 1999. Can't forget that.

Merry Christmas!
he doesn't care, he doesn't need to plan for the future because he wont be around in a couple of years anyway.

John M

do you know how many civilians have been killed in Iraq? i don't think you are counting the deaths of 500 000 or is that unimportant. that little speal about how oil is not made from plankton was also %26quot;entertaining%26quot;.
THANK U JOHN M. AND JACOB W.!!! Please people, do not believe the lies the media is putting out there about global warming. Also, do not believe Al Gore. Is he a climatologist? I think not. Did you know that water vapor is more effective as a heat trapping gas than Carbon Dioxide is? Every day, the water vapor that is evapotranspirated into the atmosphere is over 100 times more than the total amount of CO2 we have put there since the industrial revolution. Global Warming is happening, but it is in no part humans' fault.
He and I both dont want to pay for Al Gores phoney B.S,
You want to pay $12 a gallon for Gas? higher electric Price?

UN scientists urge carbon tax to fight global warming

Source: Guardian Unlimited

All sources of carbon pollution - from flights to inefficient light bulbs - must become more expensive if the world is to tackle global warming, an influential panel of scientists and government officials will say today.

Putting a price on harmful emissions from goods and services would require a fundamental shift in the world's economy, but %26quot;could realise significant mitigation potential in all sectors%26quot; according to a report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The report will be launched today in Valencia by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, and marks the start of an international effort to agree a worldwide treaty to regulate greenhouse gas output.

The IPCC, which won this year's Nobel peace prize jointly with Al Gore, will confirm it is 90% sure that recent global warming is down to human activity, and warn that the impact of future temperature rise will be severe. It will say action to cut emissions is needed in the coming decades to stop global temperatures rising by as much as 6C by 2100, and that most of the technology needed already exists. Even deep cuts in carbon production would have only a marginal effect on economic growth, the IPCC will say.
Your hatred of George Bush is somewhat misplaced. I am not a George Bush fan, I believe he is inept, but he is none of the things you appear to believe. Bush is NOT opposed to reducing carbon emissions, he is opposed to bankrupting the United States as a consequence of wealth redistribution, which is what the Kyoto Protocols are about.

As for Global Warming, Jacob W is on the right track. At 59, this is the third time I have heard the same rhetoric about a crisis. The rhetoric, of course, is %26quot;We have total knowledge. We have perfect understanding. Anyone who opposes the plan we have doesn't care about the planet.%26quot; The first time was DDT - we were destroying the planet by using this pesticide. The hysterics managed to get DDT banned throughout almost the entire world, and as a consequence about half a million people - mostly children in third world countries - die needlessly from malaria because the DDT controlled the mosquitos that carry malaria. The hysteria was about the bird population, that eating insects killed by DDT would reduce bird populations. The bird population has done slightly beter, we're just killing off humans instead. We've raised the cost of agriculture causing hunger as well. All because of hysterics with total knowledge and perfect understanding.

The next time I heard the rhetoric was nuclear power. Thirrty years ago the hysterics managed to make it impossible to build a new nuclear power plant in the U.S. They, too, had %26quot;total knowledge, perfect understanding.%26quot; Anyone who pleaded for caution was pilloried as an enemy of the planet. If, for the past 30 years, we had built nuclear power plants at the same rate as France, our carbon emissions today would be about half of what they are.

Today, those of us who are skeptical of %26quot;total knowledge, perfect understanding%26quot; are %26quot;enemies of the planet who just want big business to profit, we don't care what happens to the planet.%26quot; Actually, I DO care what happens to the planet, which is why I want the arrogant fools who claim that the right to tinker with the most complex system of all earth systems and bankrupt our country at the same time to slow down.
President Bush said that we are better off setting our own standards for emissions. I agree. Kyoto benefits only countries like China and India, which they classify as under developed economies. They are the 2nd and 4th largest polluters worldwide yet, according to this Kyoto Protocol, they have no responsibility to reduce their emissions, just monitor them. Countries like Australia, UK and USA, were we to ratify, would be responsible for paying the bill for these %26quot;under-developed%26quot; countries. That is nothing more than global welfare. Aside from that all it does is establish a larger market for carbon credits. Any wonder why Gore is involved?
your showing your ignorance again....better zip up before you embarrass yourself anymore.
That shows leadership and independance.
Who cares if we stand alone in the world? Wake up and realize that if we do not stand by what is right for AMERICA we will be in big trouble. Yes the Earth is warming, but real science shows that this is natural. We must safeguard against pollution and wasteful greenshouse gas for sure, but to simply hog-tie the US economy because of the screams of leftist wackos that shout statistics they make up on the ride over is foolish. Al Gore and the rest have been going on about Greenland melting because of global warming (oh and Antarctica's ice sheet has grown in recent times but mum's the word right). They are only partially right, it is melting but because of heavy volcanic activity not man's actions. Oh and when the ice has been retreating, the remains of long dead forests were found from when Greenland was much warmer. An inconvenient truth for sure that you won't see in Gore's next hysteria driven film. In addition, Mars' caps have also been retreating due to sunspots, are Martians having any talks about cutting greenhouse emmisions?
blinded by ambitions
First, President Bush was not in Bali. Secondly, the U.S. was not the only country to object to specific hard limits on green house gases. You need to get your facts straight before you spout off.
George Bush is the President that said %26quot;America is addicted to oil and we must break that addiction%26quot;.

During the Clinton presidency, a motion was made to the US Senate that America shouldnt accept the Kyoto Protocols because they don't address China's ( world's number one polluter) contribution to C) 2 emissions.

Motion passed.

95 to None.

Including Fienstein, Lieberman, Kennedy and Kerry.

Clinton never submitted the protocols for ratification.

and that is Bush's fault how?
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