Saturday, 24 September 2011

Would the world's current view of the United States affect your decision?

Right now the United States is considered by many to be a superpower. Has anybody thought about the fact that every superpower in the history of the world, except ours, has fallen at some point in history? People should strongly consider how their life might change if the US was not longer considered a superpower. This would not only make us vulnerable to terrorism, but attacks from other countries. The world's view of the US and especially the Bush administration are not good right now. The Iraq war has made us incredibly unpopular. Remember, we went in there because Iraq supposedly had weapons of mass destruction, against the advice of several UN inspectors. We created a mess that we are having a hard time getting out of. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Afghanistan, on the other hand, has been a half hearted effort and we still haven't caught Bin Laden. McCain sounds like he is pro war. Can we really afford a war with Iran, North Korea or Russia, especially if nobody wants to help us out? Getting out of Iraq and staying out of other country's business when it is not warranted would significantly increase our county's popularity.鈥?/a>
Would the world's current view of the United States affect your decision?
The problem with your line of thinking is you think the world view of us before was better, in that I feel you are mistaken. The U.S. being a superpower is also not something new.We have all-ready been the victims of terrorist attacks-including before the bush administration ever came to be.I don,t think McCain is pro war but he,s certainly not afraid, the only candidate I have heard speak of war with Iran has been Mr. Obama.
Would the world's current view of the United States affect your decision?
I see you are an Obamabot.

People around the world will still hate America regardless of who is president.
Conservatives who think that it's better if the world hates us are just shooting America in the foot.
H*ll no!
Palin has no interest at all in what the media thinks.. completely losing sight of the idea of what the press is, and does. When the GOP makes arrogant and contemptous comments that %26quot;she will do interviews when it is to the advantage of the CAMPAIGN%26quot;, then clearly she doesn't care about the American public's right to know who they are voting for.

Ms Pit Bull certainly isn't going to care what the rest of the world thinks. That attitude is not new to her.. but many Americans don't have a CLUE as to how it can make us vulnerable.

I don't think the word %26quot;diplomacy%26quot; is in her vocabulary.
It is affecting my decision. Our reputation in the world has gotten really bad after Bush's preempted war and thumbing his nose at the U.N. Hatred of us is building and that makes us less and less safe. McCain has that shoot first and ask questions later mentality and that makes him dangerous, especially with his Palin by his side.
To anyone who has travelled will tell you the entire world is watching as they might vote in yet another Bush and anyone knows America is not liked because of the way the issues are handles on International scene.

One time people over seas knew it was the Governments fault NOT the people themselves...but as the elected Bush not Once but twice and are fighting to elect yet another Bush and HIS policies

you can bet opinions have changed towards the people

They should be concerned and look outside once in awhile maybe their attitudes will change but sure is struggle

International scene should be part of choosing the right candidate as you are right are a super power and comes with major responsibility
Nope. The world was wrong before when Adolph Hitler was expanding his power. Leaders don't check with their troops to see what course of action is popular. That is not leadership that is seeking popularity.
Do you know why the USA became a superpower? It's because we really didn't care what the world thought of us and if needed something done we got it done regardless. Mark my words, Obama will NOT withdraw the drops from Iraq regardless of what anyone says, he or the USA cannot afford it. Our problem lies with our reliance on foreign oil and yes I agree with you why Iraq? It makes sense though that you would want a stable middle east with Democracy at it's head..this means cheaper resources for us and it means we get what we want. Also if we really want to stop supporting countries like Saudi Arabia, let us drill for our own oil, BUT we have people (mainly Democrats) in congress who won't let us...therefore were do we get the stuff?
think about it this way... the US has just negotiated a contract with the czech republic i believe, giving us permission to establish a missle base there. the US had invaded a sovereign nation, iraq, in 2003. we also invaded Afghanistan and have military bases in germany, south korea, japan, turkey, and many others. now, what if i had switched the %26quot;US%26quot; part with %26quot;The peoples republic of china%26quot;. how would you feel? How would you feel if china invaded the us and established bases here and changed our government to run like theirs? or if they established missle bases in somewhere like cuba (hmm...) i bet every american would set up bombs to blow up chinese tanks. just think about why america is hated around the world. we are utterly imperialistic, and worse of all, we feel it is justified for our own interests. as for wars in north korea and russia... we cant even afford to run a war on drugs, but somehow, our government finds a way to borrow and spend and spend and spend...