Friday, 16 September 2011

Could the MI6, CIA (others) see the 2012 Olympics as a business venture?

I can see it now %26quot;Britain introduces Draconian security legislations to protect Olympics%26quot; !!!

This event in 2012 is particularly dangerous in todays climate. Britain will be on the World stage and will have a direct link to the 'hearts and minds' of almost every country on the globe.

After discovering what our government is capable of (false flag ops.), i think the olympics is an ideal opportunity for a World changing catalclismic event. I hope i'm wrong.
Could the MI6, CIA (others) see the 2012 Olympics as a business venture?
You could be right as the Mayan calender says the world will end in 2012
Could the MI6, CIA (others) see the 2012 Olympics as a business venture?
Its got potential. But 2012 is a long time away.
good question,and i hope you are wrong,but to answer that question, we will have to wait and see if they relax the legislation after the games,if they don't then your question is right.
Oh well, at least the fall of democracy as we know it does not necessitate with it a collapse of the world economy or of human life, so let's keep our fingers crossed that we get by okay under whatever system emerges.
The 2012 London Olympics is already seen by us Londoners as a serious drain on our revenues. It's a %26quot;white elephant%26quot; in the making.

Sure the security services are going to use the 2012 Games as a major exercise. Why not?