Theoretically, you understand, I am considering the ramifications of the Stern Report into the costs of Global Climate Change and thinking of ways to reduce World energy consumption...
How many people would be put out of business if meat-eating was banned and Vegetarianism was made compulsory?
Anyone put out of business could and would go into another business. Killing animals does not require a skill. It requires insensitivity and lack of empathy. It requires an indifference to what the Creator tells all people with the commandment, %26quot;Thou Shalt Not Kill.%26quot;It would reduce need for churches because many more people would be practicing His commandments. When meat eating stops war will stop. People who cannot bring themselves to kill animals can even less get themselves to kill people. Fewer doctors would be needed. Vegetarians don't cultivate the same diseases. It would result in better national health if a widespread practice. If vegetarianism were practiced world wide people would know they are brothers and no law would get them to kill each other. There would be more food, and India now has stocks totaling into upwards of about 14 million tons . Another blessing it is impossible to calculate the extent of outcome on is money spent on food which would save a great deal and which sums could be put into endless education, and helping each other and building a genuine civilization The Great Spirit intendid and consequently over time more money spent on education, on inventions, and on peacetime progress. The last you may note is that instead of needing so much ammunition we could lead other countries in Peace that is lived and shared.
How many people would be put out of business if meat-eating was banned and Vegetarianism was made compulsory?
If you want to save energy, Stop using electricity by asking stupid questions !
a lot
Valid point, You would find your carnivore taking his/her need for meat underground. You may smoke a little organic on the sly at the moment, soon you`ll be having a KFC with that or a pepper steak.
Well, until they snuffed it too there would be a huge increase in demand for doctors and nurses and all sorts of medical personnel, as well as ambulance drivers and, ultimately, pathologists, coroners, funeral directors and gravediggers.
Human beings cannot survive on an exclusively vegetable diet. There is not one plant on earth with one single molecule of Vitamin B12 or cholesterol and (believe it or not) both are vital to life.
And let me retiterate : eggs, milk, honey, cheese, yoghurt and their derivatives are NOT vegetables.
Thats a bit of a random way to reduce energy isn't it! How about banning cars and making walking compulsory?
How many? probably millions of farmers, butchers, restaurateurs and people who work in the hundreds of industries that supply those whose earn a living from animal husbandry or food preparation
Some places can only support animals as cash crop won't grow there
Stop driving your car!! Your car can survive without being driven! I don't think you can survive without meat or meat byproducts!
An awful lot. In fact this will be the dead of planet Earth, as it has no enough resources to produce the enormous amounts of vegetarian food for those who would need it.
World energy connsumption will continue to rise...regardless of how much energy you expend on trying to reduce energy consumption.
Beef and vegetables alike can be properly prepared over an open fire, thus using no gas or electric. Cooking this way, however, does require wood. Either way, we're going to consume energy and the natural resources our planet provides.
Eliminating a vital life-supporting food group to save a few kilowats of energy is a poor theory at best. Study into the wonderful pureness of beef and why the human body needs it regularly. Read the Book of Genesis, if nothing else, to learn that meat is essential to sustaining life.
Further, you must realize that the Stern Report, for better or for worse, is way off base. But, without getting into that debate, why not focus your energy not in reducing the amount of natural resources used, but instead, how to better use the natural resources we do have. Do we really need fossil fuel to operate a transportation device? Do we really need massive amounts of water running through a turbine just to generate enough electricity to read and write to one another?
You nor anyone else is ever going to reduce the global use of energy. As we go forth and multiply so will our need and demand for more and more energy multiply right along with us. As a new and emerging generation of thinkers and doers you should strive to use what is given freely and readily available better than the past generations have used it.
You might want to ask instead how we can dispose of the carcasses of the hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens that will have to be put to death because farmers can't afford to feed them any more.
their are ancient rules on eating meat. omly to be eaten in times of famin or cold winters. leave it at that, make the meat seasonal, just to be sold in the winter, but not if its going to destroy more farmers.
I would die I'm a cannibal
this is very difficult as you would have to slaughter all the live stock and then convert to crop growing
crop growing may be more labour intensive
so in the long run it would work out at the same amount of people being employed
the best thing would be to get rid of a hell of a lot of people
now that is a different debate
I dunno but the cops and lawyers would be ok because we'd flip out on the vegetarians and psycho lawmakers....and somebody has to
God yeah, imagine the job centre would be heaving with pigs and cows!
Never mind been out of business think the fattest nation on earth would be a lot healthier.
what would a vegetarian cannibal look like
we can still hunt
well...any idiot politician who would presume to tell me what to eat should be looking for work...aside from that, there would be a Lot of boot-leg cheeseburgers..sort of like prohibition...only with more cholesterol.
Proberly a lot of businesses, But why worry about them it's our bellies we should be thinking about.
a field of wheat/barley. whatever, feeds more people than a field full of cows. FACT. ive been veggy since i was 19, 20 years now, as for b12, there is a supplement called spirulina which is algae based, so u dont HAVE to eat dairy products, i personally do as i would find it hard to be vegan, which is one who doesnt eat dairy products either.
Soon will have everyone with vegetable leaves on their ears growing on them in planet of apes.
Esfoma, you're an idiot. The Bible does NOT say %26quot;Thou shalt not kill%26quot;. Such a thing would be completely incompatible with the teachings of the Bible - YOUR Bible. In fact a proper translation of the Sixth Commandment is %26quot;Thou shalt not commit murder%26quot;. God allows the Israelites to kill other humans as punishment for certain sins, for example, murder (Exodus 21:12-14, Leviticus 24:17, 21) and adultery (Leviticus 20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22-24). God also allowed the Israelites to engage in warfare and even gave them instructions about waging war (Deuteronomy 20:1-20). That's a partial list at best - I haven't got time to list every single verse which tacitly or openly grants permission for one human to kill another. As for killing animals for sacrifice or food, read the Bible again, paying attention to what you are reading this time. As for being a Christian vegetarian; you're having a laugh. God gave animals to mankind for his use (Genesis 1:26-30; 9:1-4) and the many and varied uses to which we can put them - none of which involves them staying alive for any great length of time - are described in fulglorious detail. Enjoy.
FirstL, you are no more a 'veggy' than I am. The production of dairy food, none of which is vegetarian, inevitably involves the death of animals. It doesn't matter if you don't want that to be true. If you would like a very straightforward demonstration of the fact, call in at an 'organic, free-range' (pardon the stifled laughter) dairy farm and ask the farmer what he does with the bull calves his constantly pregnant dairy cows produce. If he tells you that he does anything except shoot them and burn the bodies, then he's lying.
Hi %26gt;
I am unsure what your connection with Veggies %26amp; climate change is.
I support my local butcher, a fine chap who looks after his produce. The heat from the animals in a feild is nothing, really.
%26quot;Banning %26quot; meat eating is a bit odd.
Fair play to those that don't eat meat, and I use filtered veg oil in my diesel fun truck. With steaks on board.
.I suppose at a push, I could use the fuel to cook them.
Each to their own.
Yes %26amp; what about the poor animals.
not a one, they would just replace it with a vegetable business.
Vegetarianism is good but meat is still rich in protien. Eliminating the meat business would be disastrous to the industry. Just decrease the consumption of meat and more on vegetables.