Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What love, care, or compasion does modern feminism offer the world?

Many modern feminist women resent the notion that women should be care-givers. They are offended when anyone says a mother should be with and care for her children, (not to exclude men, I hate that men think fatherhood is just 'throwing a football'). Many feminist women emphaisize, to young women, careers more than family. They often strive against the view that a woman's best virtue is her nurturing, mothering, and femininity.

Ironicaly, these same women would argue that women make better leaders/presidents because women are more compasionate and loving. Yet, if women are putting wealth and careers, (without necessity) before their own children, (like the %26quot;evil, opressing male%26quot;) why should we believe they wouldn't put their desires before our children and families? How do these woman differ from the business men in power today?

Wouldn't a woman who puts her family before herself better show the selflessness, compasion, and love that could benefit society and change the world?
What love, care, or compasion does modern feminism offer the world?
Is this a question or an op-ed piece? You seem to be looking for validation and agreement, more than information or discussion. I agree with everything you have said about women, but wonder why you don't apply the same standard to men? Let's turn the tables here. Read on:

What love, care, or compassion does modern patriarchalism offer the world? Many modern patriarchal men resent the notion that men should be care-givers. They are offended when anyone says a father should be with and care for his children, (not to exclude women, I hate that women think motherhood is just 'telling bedtime stories%26quot;'). Many patriarchal men emphasize, to young men, careers more than family. They often strive against the view that a man's best virtue is his nurturing, parenting, and sensitivity.

Ironically, these same men would argue that men make better leaders/presidents by reason of being less compassionate and loving. Yet, if men are putting wealth and careers, (without necessity) before their own children, (like the %26quot;evil, feminist woman%26quot;) why should we believe they wouldn't put their desires before our children and families? How do these man differ from the selfish feminist women in the news today?

Wouldn't a man who puts his family before himself better show the selflessness, compassion, and love that could benefit society and change the world?
What love, care, or compasion does modern feminism offer the world?
with all that aside, women are naturally more compassionate and caring. we still would make better leaders.
Feminism has been the downfall of our society. Free love, and the %26quot;I'm superior to you%26quot; attitude has lost women a lot of respect. There is nothing wrong with loving your spouse and children and still being able to go out into the world and have a career of your own. As long as the man and the woman love and respect each other, there will be equality in the relationship.

As far as leaders... all people make good leaders, but it's those that abuse that power that do not belong in leadership positions.

My experience with bosses, I've had male and female, the females tend to abuse their power more and treat their employees like kindergarteners instead of the hard working people that they are. Though, I have had some excellent female bosses that I respected very much, and some male bosses that I did not repsect at all. I think it depends on the individual, and not the individual's sex.
I have no idea. I ask myself the same thing all the time. I think the feminist movement has gone way too far and ended up doing more damage than good.