Today's %26quot;business world%26quot; seems to benefit only the top execs and large stock holders. When did it go from being a %26quot;free market%26quot; system to a %26quot;grab all you can for yourself and damn everyone else%26quot; system? Will it ever change?
Why has capitalism failed the average worker?
true capitalism is void of altruism. its all about greed. here in the U.S. its all about this business quarter. at least in Japan they look to the future. the US capitalism is very short sighted. make money NOW. at the cost of the proletarian
Why has capitalism failed the average worker?
It was the last 2 words that you used that might answer your question. AVERAGE WORKER is an Oxymoron...if one aspires to obtain thru true Capitalism
the human nature is trying to get the biggest piece of the cake for less . that leaves no time for them to pay a price to enjoy life because the price will be to decide they had enough of the cake , let someone else have a piece . Greediness is the biiiiiig enemy of capitalism . Let me say this is human nature . it is wrong , but it cant be changed
I have come to realize that capitalism depends upon everyone educating themselves on how the system works, but so many people don't realize that part of the equation, yet, it seems. And, also capitalism is based upon someone being on the bottom rung of the ladder, financially, so to speak, and the people in power and at the top don't care about anyone on the bottom, as long as it is not them. The wealthy in this country are very good at perserving their wealth and passing it on to furture generations of their families, when most average persons simply want to make ends meet, so that they can live a decent life. So, it seems that no one cares about the average person and how things are going for him. But, it is the average person who pays most of the taxes and bears so many of the other burdens (serving in the military, trying to help others, etc.) in the capitalistic system. And, the %26quot;wealthy%26quot; adminstration that we have in Washington, DC does not help the situation any, either, as they simply seems to favor the wealthy already with their laws and policies. So, it is up to each and every person to learn how to survive in a capitalistic system and learn how to create some wealth for themselves and their families. There are some businesses and organizations that do focus on helping the average person and families, financially, but they are far and in between. For the most part, corporate america is not one of them, as they are simply too concerned with profits and the bottom line to care very much about their %26quot;average%26quot; workers and their futures. Plus, if they paid the average worker too much money, then the average worker would learn to save and invest and soon, he would leave his corporate job, and the corporate owners would not want that to happen. Because, someone has to be on the bottom rung of the corporate ladder to keep it going. And, the corporate business owners need average pay-rate labor to keep their companies very profitable for themselves, only.
The %26quot;Average Worker,%26quot; does not support others of his caste. They think as they have been conditioned to think, like slaves.
It serves whom it was set up to serve. Had %26quot;average workers%26quot; set it up, it would be a different story.
Slave mentality is so prevalent that it seems to be the only solidarity among common people. Seldom do you hear of teamsters other union workers supporting teacher strikes. These are the people that educate their children. The reverse is also true. Teachers do not support other unions or workers. I do not know which is more tragic.
Capitalism in and of itself is not altogether a bad thing, if it is operated with the benefit of All Humans as the intention.Greed does not have to be a component of the system, or any other system.
Here are my recommended solutions to the problem.
1.The average worker must remember that typically 'average' is a numerical entity determined by adding numbers and then dividing the sum by the amount of numbers added, which results in quotient, called the average. Average is not a good description for the diverse complexity within every Human.
2. Assert the indiviuality that is indicated by exercising personal responsibility in every sphere of life that demonstrates behaviours grounded by the loftiest of morals, ethics, and principles, which is compassionate and constructive for the growth of common good. In short, application of the Golden Rule such that it is %26quot;Good will towards all Humans.%26quot;
3. See the truth for what it is. Stop living lies.
4. Realize that if there is a Deity that whom has created men to have Free Will, that Free Thinking, responsibilty, accountability, and tolerance for one another is ;part of the package. The squandering of talents which should be applied to constructive improvements to one another through interdependent effort, is an insult not only to the Deity, but to Humanity as well.
5. The %26quot;peanut brain%26quot; of the common people is no different than the %26quot;peanut brain%26quot; of others that are not included in the class of common people. We all can make mistakes. We can all excell.
6. Common people must invest in one another. This includes business ventures, children, elderly and all of those in between. Common People have amassed and secured much knowledge and understanding among their numbers. It is time to apply this acquired knowledge and understanding through interdependent cooperation for the benifit of the Humans on the planet, each according to his gifts.
7. Common people should mind their own business. Stop fighting in wars that really have nothing to do with them. Why should common people fight for those who will not fight for themselves and who will profit from wars without suffering the least physical injury. It is a coward that will not fight his own wars, a fool that cannot keep himself from instigating a fight, and an even bigger fool that allows himself to be instigated into fight to die or be maimed or killed while the fools that sent him live in relative luxury.
8. Stop looking up to people and down on people. There are no big %26quot;I's%26quot; or little %26quot;You's%26quot; amoung us. The statement that %26quot;ALL men are created equal with unaliable rights,%26quot; means ALL, regardless of the supposed importance we put on trite matters of birthplace, financial status, physical archetype, etc. We are the same and different in one package.
9. Work toward encouraging the beauty of creativity among all Humans. The only competition that we should concern ourselves is the competion to do good deeds. We should qualify ourselves through our deeds, as the offspring or representatives of the Diety.
10. Stop voting for people to live better than you. While you sacrifice everything of marriage, child-rearing, health, home, and the pursiut of Life, Liberty, and Happiness, others are profitting from your misery, and blaming you for your misery.
11. Divine Providence owns everything. We own nothing. We have access to the abundance which is provided by the Diety. We (every man, woman, and child on the planet) have the ability and capability to be wealthy with the bounties provided in the material world, without causing harm to others. We have brains and hearts and should use them to create the beauty of mutual convienece for us all.
12a. Set the best example for those in the present and those yet to come. Be supportive of one another. Give what you can spare. If common people do not help other common people then who will? Who should?
12b. Do not fall into the same trap of greed as your predecesors.