Right now the United States is considered by many to be a superpower. Has anybody thought about the fact that every superpower in the history of the world, except ours, has fallen at some point in history? People should strongly consider how their life might change if the US was not longer considered a superpower. This would not only make us vulnerable to terrorism, but attacks from other countries. The world's view of the US and especially the Bush administration are not good right now. The Iraq war has made us incredibly unpopular. Remember, we went in there because Iraq supposedly had weapons of mass destruction, against the advice of several UN inspectors. We created a mess that we are having a hard time getting out of. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Afghanistan, on the other hand, has been a half hearted effort and we still haven't caught Bin Laden. McCain sounds like he is pro war. Can we really afford a war with Iran, North Korea or Russia, especially if nobody wants to help us out? Getting out of Iraq and staying out of other country's business when it is not warranted would significantly increase our county's popularity.
Would the world's current view of the United States effect your decision?
You make an excellent point, but the McCain supporters will never admit that because their heads are to far up their a****.
Would the world's current view of the United States effect your decision?
Yeah, Rome lasted nearly 1000 good years. We can manage that.
No, it won't change my decision. Obama is the luckiest SOB to ever get nominated. Some nerve he has, with no experience in anything other than community service.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
I am watching from Australia and hope you people have the intelligence to vote out the loon, McCain. All we can see is he wants WW3!!
I think a lot of republicans are too arrogant to recognise the world around them. It's all about them.
I tell you what, when the rest of the world starts paying our taxes and picking up the tab for the billions of dollars we spend in foreign aid and starts investing in the United States and becomes citizens of the United States...then I'll start worrying about what the rest of the world thinks about the United States.