I think countries should really look into the ways the amish are living as they are the most efficient means of production, living a satisfied lifestyle, and much less corruption
Farming and other labor intensive work amish people do can be profitable work. People will criticize that there is machines.....but those machines depend on oil and pollution to be produced and performed. America uses over 20 million barrels/day and the world supply %26amp; demand for oil consumption will be put under a microscope as asia and india will soon enough compete for those oil resources. The world will never be the same again if we exploit all our oil in a foolish way as we do today. Our worlds main concern about satisfaction is jobs. The way the corporate job is setup has many flaws based on ethical principals, integrity principles, solvency principles, and many other quality principles. All these companies usually get corrupted though being bailed out, fixing the books, inadequate personnel at certain positions in the company, the %26quot;who you know, not what you know principles%26quot; that is the backbone of higher end jobs in the company, the chain of command that is painfully a blame game which has no true end results, and I'm sure you can think of many more flaws in this. The corporate system was founded by greed and someone getting away from doing the hard work and putting pressure on someone else to do it while they reap more returns from the company as they make someone else make less in the company while doing more work. This system is a disease to mankind and must be stopped immediately before it grows rampant and starts corrupting our politicians by lobbying (oh wait, it's already been happening). This disease ruined good countries like China and India to live in a toxic society which China and India will become for taking home these principles because of greed. Half the worlds people live in that area of the world and the world has to understand what %26quot;the people%26quot; believe in.
Our world has to make a stand and labor for the fruits of the land. Not be in a toxic society where textbooks that give you grades in school determine your income. That jibberish is foolishness and the only ones who make out in this unfair game are the %26quot;connected elitists%26quot; who always feel the need to keep their own stake rather than giving the needy. God will strike down on these people and throw them into the gates of hell. I pray that God will have mercy on me because he is coming.
Is this a good way to change the world economy?
I like your idea. You live like the Amish, and depend on other people for defense of your country. When your area gets rich, I will conquor you and make you my slaves.
I will live easily and you will produce all that I need. Long live the strong and the powerful. I hope you suceed, I need weak defenseless people just like you to terrorize and take advantage of. Grow my food and die after you deliver it. I could care less, you are worms and deserve my boot on your necks. Live free or die.
I only need your women to reproduce more warriors. Thank you for making my life so much easier. I salute your spinelessness, your fear and your failure to even defend yourselves. Thank you for making my life so easy.
Is this a good way to change the world economy?
That is the exact point. They don't have to fight for protection because you do it. You, your friends, and family members have died so they can freely live as you describe. Without others, the Amish would have been dead or enslaved by the Spanish, British, Native Americans, French or ?? long ago.
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