Saturday, 24 September 2011

Do you think we will live to see a day where the world uses absolutely NO paper products whatsoever?

Okay, I said NO paper products whatsoever. Let me change my question slightly and ask you if we will one day live in a world where paper is rarely seen in our daily lives.

We already have devices like that we can read books with, and futurists say that virtual reality that is indistinguishable from reality may only be a couple of decades away. Think of what that technology could do to save trees!

With so many incredible technological advancements coming a long in the future, perhaps we can do away with paper in the business world, and for other things too. And maybe we can store, pack, and ship things in non-cardboard products.

Will this happen one day?
Do you think we will live to see a day where the world uses absolutely NO paper products whatsoever?
Do you think we will live to see a day where the world uses absolutely NO paper products whatsoever?
I can only hope. but i still need my bathroom tissue and paper towel!

I really hate the fact that I have to carry 3 big books with me plus a laptop which makes my backpack over 25 pounds to the class.
phew im glad u rephrased ur question

i began to visualise an alternative to toilet paper :P:P
i never did enjoy the recycle paper the germans used for toielt tissue. so no on that. and no. paper is here to stay.
If you keep voting Republicans in, it will for sure happen. There will be no trees left. There will always be some sort of media that will allow the history of mankind to be disseminated to those who follow us in a permanently recorded manner. How many of us have lost data from electronic media for one reason or another? I suppose a few.
tree hugger or what ?

wood is the easiest renewable recycle product there is

and think of the billions $ industry and work it creates

now grab a kleenex and blow your nose that was funny
So how will you wipe your ***??? So save trees so we can die up to our knees in plastic from obsolete computers and plastic containers.
Using paper products isn't that bad as far as I am concerned. And, I am very concerned. I think it is the wise use of paper products that needs to be stressed.

I was most impressed during the Christian season of Christmas that it is more eco-friendly to purchase a live tree than it is to purchase an artificial tree because for every live tree that is cut, 3 are planted.

My main concerns are getting rid of the harder to degrade materials such as the plastic food containers that you purchase at Dollar stores, use a few times, and then throw away. But the most egregious of all is the Styrofoam products that don't degrade at all.
i hope not
I think that we will be seeing paper made out of more things than we use now to make it .More of it will be usable and reuseable many different times.Virtual reality will never ,for me replace the real thing,I think that We could even be building houses out of acid free paper and card products.In the near future!