Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Aren't Andy Grove's ideas good ?

Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change.

I'm often credited with the motto, %26quot;Only the paranoid survive.%26quot; I have no idea when I first said this, but the fact remains that, when it comes to business, I believe in the value of paranoia. Business success contains the seeds of its own destruction. The more successful you are, the more people want a chunk of your business and then another chunk and then another until there is nothing left. I believe that the prime responsibility of a manager is to guard constantly against other people's attacks and to inculcate this guardian attitude in the people under his or her management.

The things I tend to be paranoid about vary. I worry about products getting screwed up, and I worry about products getting introduced prematurely. I worry about factories not performing well, and I worry about having too many factories. I worry about hiring the right people, and I worry about morale slacking off.
Aren't Andy Grove's ideas good ?
Good Grief!

This guy Andy Grove sounds like he is speaking from a mental ward in a heavily padded room with a little glass window on the door.
Aren't Andy Grove's ideas good ?
Try living, thinking too much can get in the way. If it sounds good and feels bad it may be a total waste of time. Today wasn't designed for you and your dreams, but try to make it better for someone.
Jeez, what the hell are you going on about? I didn't read any of the crap you wrote,but the first line. Do your friends ever tell you that you are monumentally boring? Oh, right. What friends?

I read the actual question and what I have to say to that is who is Andy Grove? I don't even care enough to look him up on line.
My mother always said it was her job in the family to do all the worrying. I told her things were always just fine. Now she's at senility.
Hey, you diss-tant non-intellects! A.G. is a fine, well-respected leader here in Silicon Valley: I worked at Intel in early 90's and got to see him in person several times. The book should explain to you lesser beings that his viewpoint is shaped by hard experience and persistent leadership. He made huge decisions, affecting Intel and the local economy, and few if any questioned his judgement: just try to imagine what he and Bob Noyce, Gordon Moore did to develop a global leader in the semiconductor industry.
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