Saturday, 24 September 2011

Is it time to change the world economic order?

People keep saying everyone have equal chance to make it in a greedy world.

I laugh because only a child will buy into the equal chance business.

I know of people working so hard they can hardly breath. Yet cannot make ends meet - blame them for not being clever.

I know you could be very smart but will not get a job slotted for two people with twenty looking for job.

What is the matter with the greedist that keep blaming people for not getting a head on whereas it is the same greedy people that are squeezing out the weak?

Let us change the world economic system.

Let us apply maximum wealth policy (just like minimum wage) and determine how much a man really need to live this finite world.

If we are all going to use the same economic system, it is time to look deep into the eye of the greedists and tell them to find another planet for themselve.

Greed is the extreme end of capitalsim where the greedy owns everything and keep hoarding wealth they do not need at the expense of the weak while keeping tab on the weak.

Greedism encourages indirect slavery.
Is it time to change the world economic order?
You've got it all wrong. The neoclassical economists in the LIBERAL ARTS buildings (where's Glenn Beck on that one) around campuses preaching the virtues of greed are just statisticians. In the 200 years following Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, they have demonstrated time and again that economics has no ability to predict anything. And now that economies have become global, they are too sophisticated for these statisticians to even follow. They will readily admit they could not foresee the subprime crisis of 2007 and 2008. So, economists can't even be counted on to measure economies anymore. But they have jobs that will go away if they stop shilling for Wall Street.

And Republicans don't really believe in anything, or they would have turned on their political leaders long ago. They just know that if they bow down for a rich person they are more likely to be rewarded with table scraps than if they stand up to them. That has always been a safe bet, whether you are living in a modern democratic society, in a medieval fief under a feudal lord, or you are a caveman trying to survive through the winter.

Republicans and Teabaggers think that this timeless bit of pragmatism makes them superior to everyone else. This is why they hate the liberal experiment that is democracy so much. Anything that displeases their masters needs to be fought. Their logic is sound, but their assumption of rewards is extremely weak when you look at the history of their masters. Like you said, a form of slavery. But it's a much softer form of fascism than what history offers. The slavery is really an intellectual one.

There has never been a %26quot;free%26quot; market, and Republicans themselves will tell you that wars and military contracts are %26quot;good for business.%26quot; So, socialism is something they are willing to fight to preserve. Just don't take what they say too seriously, and you'll be just fine.
Is it time to change the world economic order?
How could there be a new world order, if this country cannot event get it own act together? Throw the Republic rat/Demolitions out! Leave the Democrat and Republican parties. Vote Independent, %26quot;Independent” which is really “Decline to State” or “No Party”. The last true American party left
I don't get where some people think that working for a living is slavery. Is sweeping the floor worth $50 grand a year? Low end jobs are meant for those entering the job market. After you gain experience and/or education, you look for a better job. You keep striving for something better. It doesn't happen over night. Never did, never will. There are 320 million people in this country. Do you really expect them all to get rich? Do you ever consider the trade off for becoming a professional and what it takes away from your private life? Most people aren't willing to make the sacrifice. They find other things to be more important.

Personality and interests also have a bearing on what people do in life. Happy are those who work at doing what they love. Few people find that. Do you think that if someone hires you to work 40 hours a week that they aren't going to expect a full days work for that pay? Its called productivity. Companies don't hire people out of social obligation. They hire them because their is a need for a human resource. Making a profit is a fundamental part of doing business, not greed. People like Soros are greedy. They just make money for the sake of making money. He has billions. He nearly collapsed the economy in the UK betting against their currency. I would agree with stopping that kind of thing. That should be illegal.