Seriously, what's this all about elect me and we'll change the World crap. The whole US politics is a joke. It makes me laugh everytime they play those ads, with Mcain and Obama duking out each other. It's just ridiculous and anyone calling that politics is an idtio. And why do they keep having to refer electing each othere as changing the world? What do the US think they are, they more than ruined the world and they always have to think of themselves as either the world changers or the savers in both movies and real life. And then theres is a the whole 9/11 sentimentality. I mean c'mon, are they the only ones who've lost family. Millions lose lives everyday, nobody gives a damn, so why do they think we should give a damn about them, and the media always have to put them into spotlight. And finally what business is of theirs to interfere with Korea about the whole nuclear facitily afrfairs, are they the only one allowed to have nuclear weapons? What're they gonna do, invade them too like Iraq?
And if you think I'm an American hater, I am an American myself. And yes, I hate my country for what it has become today. I wish presidents like Clinton or Kennedy were here today to run this country of ours. It's seriously degrading itself.
What does electing a president have to do with the world?
You hate this country so much I am sure that there people out here who would pay for a one way ticket to any other country in the world, that you think that you would prefer over this country. All you would have to do is just promise not to come back. There is no greater country on this Earth which has done more for world piece than America. America has done More to feed the world than any other country that has ever existed on Earth. No other country on earth has ever done more to combat disease than America. No other country ever to have existed on Earth has ever given it's citizens more freedom than America. But then I am quite sure that you don't know anything about that as you are nothing but just another takernot a giver. Everyone knows that takers do not give they just stick their hand out for more. So move to Russia or China and stick your hand out there and see what you get. Or go there and complain like you are and see what you get. Better yet go to Iran. I can guarantee what you will get there it is a small object about 3/8 of an inch x 1 1/2 inches and made of lead. I also guarantee that you will no longer have reason to complain!