Friday, 16 September 2011

Is this inappropriate to say to a student ?

My business professor said to me

%26quot; You're very bright and pretty but I don't know if being Asian hinders you ...%26quot;

I know he didn't say this out of spite but ...

What was the purpose of him telling me this ? The world is changing and businesses should have no concern for what race someone is's just about $$$

And is this appropriate for a professor to say to a student ?
Is this inappropriate to say to a student ?
It's really hard to tell without any context.
Is this inappropriate to say to a student ?
That's pretty rude %26amp; def. not PC. He should not talk about your looks %26amp; no he shouldn't bring up your race either!
i think thats kinda racist
well it seems like an opinion...and one that he admits he doesn't know one way or another..............

sounds like he was being honest...

I mean what if it were a position that he thought being Asian was an advantage...should he not mention that either??
well i dont think it's something worth sending him to the principle but still....
Probably not appropriate, maybe he has something against asains and things your too good to be one? I know its weird, but people have their things!
yes that is very inappriopriate to say to a student. thats racist! your professor should only be worried about what is on the inside.
He's clueless.

Most of those liberal egghead professors have a lot of knowledge in their brains, but they lack class and common sense...and what to say or do at the right time.

why shouldnt he?

people worry to much about racism and presume any reference to skin colour is being nasty.

he was just being honest.

get over yourself.
what an A hole
I think he meant that he's not sure if race will be a disadvantage in the world of business or not.
was your question %26quot;does being asian hinder me?%26quot;. If so than his response was not inappropriate.
That was very inappropriate. Being asian should not hinder you from anything.
noo! thats rude. he's not gettin paid minimum wage for that
no its not i think hes tellin u wat might happen when ur older.
absolotly not

in my opinion you should kick him were the sun dont shine
It doesn't sound appropriate to me. Obviously, I wasn't there, so I can't make a complete judgement, but it does sound like something that you should report to an authoritative person at the school. It's not only stereotypical on his part, it also could be seen as sexual harassment (or something along those lines, though maybe not that severe). I hope this gets worked out! Good luck!!
It seems like an odd statement. If you really want to know you should ask this individual privately what was meant by this.
He's letting his racism cloud his vision. I think he was being very innapropiate. The fact that you're Asian shouldn't even come up between you and him in that classroom.
University professors are supposed to %26quot;tell it as it is%26quot;. I would ask him to clarify his reasons for making that comment.
he is encouraging you.
its just an advice..
It was odd. What was he saying this in response to?

It was in poor taste, but I wouldn't report him because of it. I'd let it go unless he started a trend of saying things like this.
It is probably just the result of an over exposure to racial sensitivity training. You are told, over and over, that minorities are not given a fair shake and eventually it part of your vocabulary.

I always had the stereotype that Asians were smarter and hard working. Which is why even though they are the smallest minority, in USA, they almost never ever get any minority benefits, like scholarships.

Bottom line is: If you can't have open minds and speak freely on a college campus, then the world has become a sad place to live. Forget it and get on with your life.
Run! Dont let that Molester Professor Get to you!!!
Is it true? Is your Asianness hindering you?
i actually think that was rude and racist
i think it was innapropriate... what was the point of bringing up your race.. i think hes a stupid teacher
yes it is very inappropriate. i think he was just trying to say that you shouldn't feel disrouraged in your ability to go far if someone ever didn't give you a job or promotion etc because unfortunately in today's society there are a lot of prejudiced people with racist tendancies. But overall he should never have said that to you, it sounds racist even if it wasn't intended.
maybe he was kidding around?

even though i don't find that funny at all but maybe he's one of those people with that kind of humor..

and no i don't think it was appropriate
I think the phrase %26quot;very bright and pretty%26quot; is inappropriate in a professional context.

What is significant is your capacity to do the job. Racist and sexist behaviour is strongly discouraged by most educational institutions.

He sounds like a jerk, and a stupid one at that.

Most stereotypes suggest something negative about people who are part of the stereotyped group. However, it seems to me that there is a (well-founded) stereotype of Asian students that they are bright, highly-motivated, loyal, hard-working ....

There is no intellectual pursuit where women have not done as well or better than men.

I don't know what planet he came from. He seems pretty clued out about the real world!
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