Wednesday, 21 September 2011

In this business/education/profit/seri鈥?based world, is there really a humanitarian/spirtitual point at all?

I mean let's face it, even the churches we build takes teams of planners, builders, engineers, they need to get paid, they need to be run, maintained, + the staffing %26amp; all the people/. I actually drove past a church today that said %26quot;Go Giants!%26quot; Hey, thats cool and all, but it just proves the utter immaturity, and unseriousness of that particular church. It's like saying, oh yeah, praise Jesus, Praise god, but ooh gotta get home to wach boxing, or basketball or football, gotta go lead my life.

I don't think anyone, even religious people within this country feel a need for change, any type of urgency, at all.

I think for most people, Church and God is just what you do to feel better about things on a weekend, and they go about life thinking it's all good and normal, and me me me.

It's B*llshit. At least organized religion.

Those that take it TOO seriously are deemed as %26quot;extremist and insane,%26quot;

For the rest there's business, education, profit, seriousness.

So to sum it
In this business/education/profit/seri鈥?based world, is there really a humanitarian/spirtitual point at all?
It's religion attempting to be relevant with American culture.
In this business/education/profit/seri鈥?based world, is there really a humanitarian/spirtitual point at all?
Life is what you make of it.
At Monte Cassino Monastery in Italy, which was founded by Benedict in the 6th century, there was an inscription. %26quot;Work and pray.%26quot; Man was born to work, this is the way we earn our salvation. We also need some pleasure to rest from our labors.