Friday, 16 September 2011

How soon will cheap renewable energy revolutionize the world?

It鈥檚 already begun. Business will drive toward change because the cost savings makes alternative energy sources so much more profitable. How long will it take for developed nations to change?
How soon will cheap renewable energy revolutionize the world?
Every nation is trying in her own way. In India, they have started harnessing wind energy by installing windmills at many places. Jatropa plantation is becoming widespread. This plant give alternate diesel.

It is just progressing and no time frame comes in my mind as no authority has given one.
How soon will cheap renewable energy revolutionize the world?
Centrica (an energy company) is building a prototype facility that will extract hydrogen from coal, leaving the carbon behind. This, if it becomes practical, will make coal almost entirely pollution free, including no greenhouse gases. But, from successful prototype to full scale production could be decades.

Solar cells are getting better. But, right now, energy costs from solar is about 10 times higher than from coal. It's expected that solar will be competitive in about 10 years.

Nuclear fission is already competitive, as shown by what France has been doing for the past 30 years. However, environmentalists in the US shut down the development of new plants at least 2 decades ago. But, they're on the rise again.

Nuclear fusion is a theory, and may never be practical or even possible. However, it's also theoretically pollution free ... no nuclear waste.

Best guess ... 50 years.

And I really mean on their way to testing and large scale deployment.

Consider already wind power as an almost conventional source of power compared to what is coming next.

(After all wind is already 20% of the electricity produced in Denmark and over 10% in several other countries)
When the old systems wear out. It would cost me many thousands to change my house from electric heat to geothermal, but I will change over when new baseboard heaters are needed. The same is true for companies. Most new buildings incorporate some type of energy saving ideas and some are installing solar devices. Of the hundreds of new coal fired power plants planned over the next few years to replace old ones and keep up with growing demand, not many are being built. Instead windfarms are being built because they are cheaper to build and produce power for less cost IF there are good sites available.
Slowly but hopefully with innovation's and the fear of global warning new doors will be opened. Promoting the next generation towards this goal would be where I would focus my energy.
Very soon I hope. If all goes well these cars that run on compressed air will begin selling in 2008.