Friday, 16 September 2011

How has management changed in the last 30 years?

Since diversity is viewed differently than it was 30 years ago how has it changed management in the business world?
How has management changed in the last 30 years?
management theory from the past used to focus on %26quot;tricks of the trade%26quot;, %26quot;winning philosophy%26quot;, %26quot;motivating large groups%26quot;.

Now it is about teaching the manager to learn from the individual how THEY are best motivated. We are no longer so concerned about one-size-fits all solutions. We are focused on THE INDIVIDUAL and how they are part of an integrated and highly functioning team.

Diversity is recognized as a key element in the development of a team. Each person brings unique talents, skills and desires to the team. Those traits can be honed, enhanced and used by the team... So long as they are not ignored.

Diversity is USUALLY defined as a category... Racial... Sex... Religion... And, it is really not about categories at all.. It is about THE INDIVIDUAL, and how they interact in a group.
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