Friday, 16 September 2011

On a scale of 1 - 10 how concerned are you about that whole climate change business?

Is the end of the world upon us or is it just a break in the clouds?

And will everything get better once they fit microchips to our wheelie bins?
On a scale of 1 - 10 how concerned are you about that whole climate change business?
Is a big ZERO possible? as that is how I see it.

On a scale of 1 - 10 how concerned are you about that whole climate change business?
0 because it does not exist.
We all should be, but then i think most of it is out of our control as its a natural cycle, still no excuse for carrying on the way we are, and we should all try and reduce our effects as for the concern, well i would say 6 or7

even if the worst of what is predicted happens it will be a grand disaster, but we'll survive.
I am concerned about businesses that prey on climate change propaganda to the level of 20.I am concerned about climate change as a doomsday scenario -10 yes minus ten
Personally, I'm not bothered. Sea levels could rise by 200 feet without affecting me - it just means I wouldn't have so far to go to the seaside. I'll be long gone before we get the wars resulting from half the world's population at risk of drowning and the other half with skin cancer. As a member of the human race, I'm concerned that I may be using up more than my share of the Earth's resources.

Microchips is our wheelie bins are just another symptom of Western government's incompetence in addressing the problem. We need global solutions on a massive scale. The Forestry Commission wants to plant a few more trees. Reforesting the Sahara Desert might make a difference. (And yes, it could be done. It was forest 3,000 years ago and we have the technology to change it back, but we'd rather spend money on wars in the Middle East)

Anyone who reckons it's not happening should take a trip to Cockermouth.
About 4, but not for myself, maybe my grand or great grand children will face the horrors they predict,

or maybe they will by then find that birth control will reduce climate control, as long as profit and greed dont get in the way

From the US government panel on climate change:

1) %26quot;Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced.%26quot;

2) sea levels will rise, threatening coastal cities and populations.

3) Changing weather patterns and declining snowpacks will reduce water supplies drastically, especially in the west.

4) Economic losses from climate change: a global reduction in GDP of between 5-20 percent. (鈥?/a>

And on and on it goes. I suggest you look at a government website like
Definitely a 1.

Whilst the UK population is running around screaming %26quot;the end of the world is nigh%26quot; the other 99% of the planets population are carrying on with %26quot;business as usual%26quot;

Planet Earth is like a washing machine, it goes through cycles. It has been proved by experts and the evidence is there for all to see. The fact that the human population is reaching saturation level is not the planets problem, nor will it prevent the natural cycle from taking place.
Zero. Can't fight nature
In light of recent revelations that a certain body of scientists %26quot;cooked the books%26quot; to make their hypothesis fit -100.
couldnt give a fcuk
More gov. control over people; more ways for the tree huggers to stop development of any kind; more excuses to raise taxes. The Question: What is global warming or climate change?

Couldn't give a toss,the planet will outlast me.
Not one bit.

There is absolutely no empirical evidence that mankind is at fault for what is now called Climate Change. At least no evidence that hasn't been tainted in one form or another by political activism. Additionally, there is no evidence that Climate Change is even truly occurring, the %26quot;evidence%26quot; being ambiguous at best, and nonexistent at worst.

I am more concerned about the agenda behind the global warming activists.

Destruction of, primarily, the American economy. Slowing, or stopping altogether, of the world economy. Slowing, or stopping altogether, of human advances in science and technology.

And, most importantly of all, the corruption of both Science in and of itself, but the purity and honesty of the Scientific Method.

%26quot;The debate is over!%26quot;

No, Mr. Gore, it is not. Consensus science is not science at all.
BREAKING NEWS (a week ago)

This is the scandal of the century.

Global warming as fraud is being revealed.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>