I'm talking not only about preemptive wars but also about economic pressure to make political and human rights changes. On the other hand that means not giving away vast sums of money the to foreign governments and/ or the huge sums of debt we forgive.
Strict isolationism. Would the world be a better place?
Would the world be better off if the US stayed out of other countries' business?
Isolationism is an impossibility at this point. We live in a global economy. We are a world community for better or for worse. I'd be happy if we just kick the UN out of NY. We can't even do that.
Economics and the reparations foisted upon Germany after WW I was a major factor giving rise to Hitler and subsequently WW II. Just look at what that b*st*rd did! Isolationism is a hopeless cause. It ain't happening unless a nuclear war destroys all communications. Go to any store in your town and start looking at labels on the goods sold there. Do an informal survey to see where your goods are coming from. Call almost any major company and your %26quot;customer service%26quot; call is routed to India or the Phillipines. Look around your apartment or house and in your closet and garage. Isolationism isn't even worth considering anymore. We are no longer self-sustaining but are in an inter-dependent relationship with the rest of the world. I guess I don't even have to mention going to the produce section of the grocery store or the gas pump.
Would the world be better off if the US stayed out of other countries' business?
As long as that includes not sending money of any sort to any other country (including for things like tsunamis), unless they are providing us something of value in return, I would be all for it.
i believe in non-interventionism, as did the founding fathers and authors of the constitution. what you're talking about is non-interventionism - whereas isolationism would mean not even trading with other countries. even Washington suggested free trade in his farewell address.
but i absolutely agree in not sending foreign aid.
A lot of those nations would be killing each other at an ever greater rate than they do now..
Ask Europe this question after WW2 and see what they say. Why is it when other countries need help, America is the first country they look to? They want us when they need us -- fair weather friends.
Someone else would do it either for good or bad.
We don't have to be strictly isolationist, but we should respect popular sovereignty.
Yes and keep from sending anything they want.100% away. No help what so ever.
Yes. You could have just come out and said you're for Ron Paul LOL! I still want to do business with them, I just don't want, for instance, the CIA assisinating people, making deals with Bin Laden, etc.
i'm all for building a 100 foot wall around the entire boarder of the U.S..
Well, I agree with Ron Paul on that and many diseases and
in-festive bugs have come over here, I'd like some sort of isolation from that.
The only time we get involved is when their business becomes our business. We now have a world economy, and the only way to insure our economic stability is to make sure that our interests are safe from those that would choose to do us harm, or destroy us. It's gone beyond the point of saying we should isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, they need us, and we need them.
Absolutely. I have thought this before I had ever heard of Ron Paul. Taxpayer money needs to be kept here in America to pay for the American Taxpayers. Besides it is not our job to police the world either. If American citizens feel bad for another country then they can send them donations, the government has no business giving away our hard earned money.If all of the countries on this earth would just mind their own business and leave each other alone then yes, this world would be a much better place.
IMHO the world would be a better place if we stopped thinking in terms of nationality, religion, ethnicity or any of the other factors people use to differentiate themselves from others and began thinking of ourselves as individual members of the same species who are in the unique position of being able to decide whether or not our species will continue to survive.
Maybe the world would be better off if they'd take care of their own business and quit asking the US to come in and clean up their mess.
Ron Paul thinks so. Unfortunately he is not a realist. Todays world requires that the United States protect her interests abroad as well as her allies. To just stay at home would allow the shark to come to our shores and bite us in the butt. We must attack radical islamic extremists wherever they may be throughout the globe to protect Americans abroad and all of us here at home from future attack...