We did that in the 1920's. It was called %26quot;the era of good feelings%26quot;, the %26quot;roaring 20's%26quot;. We were basically isolationists and turned our backs on Woodrow Wilson's desire to join the League of Nations. This led to the rise of dictatorships in Europe and Asia, which led to World War II. We could not sustain ourselves or our economy if we only dealt with ourselves. Our markets would become stagnant. China would overtake us in world investments, and control the world's oil markets. As a superpower, we have to participate in world affairs. We have the power not only to start wars, but to stop them. We need to reclaim our place at the peace tables of the world as respected diplomats. In trade, we need to actively participate as trade partners with other nations. That way it opens up our markets to the world, provides jobs, new products, ingenuity, and American genius.
How would life in the US change if the US sealed itself off from the world and only did business with itself?
At present, the US is not even close to self-sufficiency; it depends on natural and human resources from elsewhere in the world to support its lifestyle.
In particular, America would not have enough energy to provide the lifestyle that Americans covet. It is likely inevitable then that, due to the forces of supply and demand, the price of energy will sky-rocket to unimaginable heights.Either alternative forms of energy would be have to be developed quickly or the structure of American life would change immeasurably.
Manufactured goods are commonly produced abroad and imported to American markets. There would have to be a restructuring of the economy from the current services-orientation towards more manufacturing to make up for this. However, this will decrease the wage Americans get payed for their labour considerably or else prices will rise. This will result in a loss in the quality of life for many or most.
In the end, I don't think that America could reasonably cut itself off from the world; it is too enmeshed in international commerce and its lifestyle is too dependent on the exploitation of resources that lie beyond its borders.
How would life in the US change if the US sealed itself off from the world and only did business with itself?
America should sealed itself off from the world and see who be first to beg for Help?
Never happen... globalist wont let it.....Welcome to the New World Order!
No more Chinese food??!?!?!?!! Not good!!!!!!!
Seriously, I think that the previous answerer is right about alternative fuels. There's so much that we import. We've gotten used to a higher lifestyle because of cheap imports. I don't know. It's too late at night to think properly.
The last time we did that, we ended up in the Depression and latter entered Worl War II. World globilization doesn't seem to work either. It seems to take ethics out of the equation in world trade. I guess moderation is the key.
It would lead to mushroom clouds and civil war in America. We learned our lesson at the beginning of WWII at Pearl Harbor. If you screw around and not face out and see whats coming, it will hit you in the back of head. Bush was busy planning the invasion of Iraq, and was not protecting the Country. He not only lost a war, his behavior caused the war we are in presently.
Unfortunately, the military, our military has been used on mistaken Wars beginning in 1965 and 2003.
In both cases, a President from Texas lead our Country into an unnecessary War and lost it. But, the people of the United States have not gotten the message yet. When some idiot has God on his tongue and our Army charging forward, you can bet we are in trouble.
I hope the American people stop being gullible about politicians who talk war talk. When the word War comes up, then the vote NO should follow.
it can't happen. you couldn't even buy underwear
we wouldn't be able to trade with china we would be broke. who do you think feeds them?
US is a richer country due to its continous economic exploitation of developing countries. It is a nation of plastic currency. IF US sealed itself, it would face unseen economic crisis and its economy would be blasted like a missale and it can not survive even for a minute. It can not match others intelectually and also compete them. in business in honest measures.
I can only assume that your standard of living would decline dramatically. Not only would you run out of natural resources, etc,etc.
Let's face it , it couldn't and it won't happen.
I was going to comment on your respondent who claims the rest of the world is jealous but will just say that is not true.
I think the most balanced and sensible answer you have is the one from Rich A. I agree with all he says.
for all this time we had very comfortably 'isolated' ourselves from the rest of the world-leaving many of us incredibly ignorant and insensitive of other cultures and peoples(so clearly evident within US itself)...our ruthless policies, lack of empathy, education, spirituality and above all our incredible greed have caused so much in the way of bloodshed and unrest all around the world .... Since we are already so interdependent and interconnected globally(i have witnessed regions of people whose lives have changed dramatically/who are able to eat decently because they are in business relations thru US) -- sealing ourselves from the rest of the world would bring much chaos, sadness and rage from the %26quot;outside%26quot;.... such a sad question to ask.........
Some thought. The US makes lots of money selling technology, Coca Cola, and guns to everyone else in the world. So, it will not be able to in your case. For starters, it would be less richer by the lost business.
Peaceful and prosperous, without all those Trade agreements not beneficial to us...face it the world is jealous of us.