Why can't their be a uptopian society?
Read Sir Thomas More's book %26quot;Utopia%26quot; sometime. When I read it, it comes off as satire.
You then go on to equate utopia with equality. Can you take as a given that no two individuals are equal? Each person has his own talents, his own interests, his ambition. While one person would be content to sit - asking nothing of others and giving nothing, another may be driven to accomplish for his own good and/or the good of humanity.
Equality then must be defined. Must no individual accomplish more than another? Must no individual possess more than another? Or should every individual be afforded the same opportunities? Must every individual be treated with the same respect whether he has accomplished nothing or great things? In fine, should every individual be treated the same under the law?
So many people who go on about utopia have this idea about equality in possession and privilege. Now, I'm all for pulling down unearned privilege. But what we must realize is that to accomplish true equality of wealth, possessions and accomplishment, we must take away from those whose only crime has been to have been different (not better) than others and so suited to accomplish what they have.
In contrast, we may speak of equality under the law. Every person should be secure in their own possessions. Every individual may accomplish as much as they wish and are able. Utopia to me would be a world in which no oppression was ever tolerated in the name of creating a utopia of possessions and wealth.
Now, I think that there will always be those ready to impose violence to obtain what others have accomplished. So, no I don't think that utopia will be accomplished on earth. However, we can get much closer to it if we abandon the concept that it is right to violate equality of law to achieve an artificial equality of wealth.
Why can't their be a uptopian society?
first off, utopia is derived from greek and translates to mean %26quot;not on earth%26quot;.
If you are a Liberal then it is called Cuba.
Because people are basically lazy and they will never work hard unless they have to. Capitalism and free market are the most fair, and utopian societies you will ever have - sorry.
A Perfect society would have to be filled with perfect people. Know any?
I'm afraid that Heaven is the only place you will find Utopia. As long as man is involved, there will always be hate, deception, lies and evil. It seems like it's time to give God a chance.
there will always be those who want more than their share and would rather gain at another persons expense than to live equitably with everyone.
all it takes is one person that decides he/she wants more than their neighbor and any Utopian/communist system breaks down. this is why the greedy prefer capitalism; and we are all greedy in one way or another.
And you would feel the same way if you were a billionaire, of course?
You must live in some small country where a million dollars is a lot of money. Here in the states, you better have a lot more than that before you retire or you're going to have to rely on the kindness of strangers to survive (and I'm not that kind, stranger).
So, you are saying that just because you don't have lots of money that it should be illegal to be a millionaire? Any person, of any race, creed, color, national origin, sexual persuasion, economic background or education has the potential of becoming rich. It takes work.
If a person has lots of money, then more power to them. They worked hard for it (in most cases) It's no business of yours what they do with their money.
Because thieves like our current politicians would get elected and betray thier trust just like they do now
i dont understand what you are saying, but here its goes. the reason why we cant have a utopian society is because it is only possible with a communist government. every time a communistic government has been put into effect it has failed because the conditions of the main body have been poor and there is always corruption in the high parts of government. the only way a utopian society could be made is if the lower poor people were brought up to the middle class, instead of bringing the middle class to the lower. Also the leader would have to be pure and uncorrupted.
a utopia will never ever work. because if you make it a voluntary thing, then everyone who stands to lose something by joining will stay away. and if you make it forced, then you are trying to build a communist state, and we've all seen how well that works. if you remove all incentives, people stop working as hard. you have no right to dictate what people spend their money, time, and energy on. people are inherently selfish, utopias don't work because everyone wants to take as much as they can for themselves. there are very very few people who are truly willing to give up the opportunity to get more for themselves
Try Fantasy land in Fla. Peace
There could never be a Utopian society as long as man has independent thoughts. There would always be somebody in a group that would want to think outside of the group for his or her own personal reasons. And as long as there is no true harmony - having the same goals, hopes and dreams wanting the same things for the same reasons there could not be a Utopian society that could stand the test of time. At the end of the day even though most people would agree with a particular idea -- generally someone will come up with another idea that would sound even more intriguing and interesting and there goes your majority for the original idea or way of life... Utopian-ism could not stand the test of time. However it still is a great day dream. Thanks