Friday, 16 September 2011

How much is Russia attrracting immigrants from other parts of the world and which parts the most and why?

is russia suppose to be the new place for business in the world ?

how long will this process last?

and how has cities such as Moscow or St. pete changed in past 15 years ?

is this a far fetched dream or how different than development of other parts of europe or China?

please explain and describe

thansk for your ansewrs!
How much is Russia attrracting immigrants from other parts of the world and which parts the most and why?
Russia has a substantial amount of immigrants mostly from the countries that used to be a part of the former Soviet Union and the old Communist block, especially Vietnam and China. There is a significant flow of the %26quot;political%26quot; Russian speaking immigrants fleeing from some of those countries where they feel that they are being persecuted in one way or another. And, of course there is a huge flow of non-Russian %26quot;economic%26quot; immigrants looking for better income and life standards in Russia, which has retained its economic vitality compared to their home countries that literally rolled back into the middle ages as soon as they separated themselves from the Union. Obviously, some cheap labor force is making its way into Russia illegally (especially the Chinese), just like the Mexicans here in the U.S. There is also an insignificant immigration of highly skilled professionals and not so highly skilled professionals from the developed countries, including U.S., Britain, Germany, etc. This is a rather special layer of population who find either the high compensation or the romantic side of living in Russia very attractive. I have personally met and befriended a number of such individuals who are not planning to ever go back to their %26quot;Western%26quot; world.

Russia is the largest country in the world by its territory and the amount of natural resources is immense. The percentage of immigrants amongst the Russians who will live and develop the vast Russian lands is hard to estimate. But, one things is for sure, there is enough room for everyone.
How much is Russia attrracting immigrants from other parts of the world and which parts the most and why?
Perhaps moscow ought to be a possibility
I have lived and worked in Moscow and Kiev over a number of years, and i have really seen some dramatic changes in both places.

I can remember a few years ago when the main street of Kreschatyik in Kiev hardly had any street lighting.

Now Kiev is one of the most beautiful and cosmopolitan cities in europe.

Moscow has changed that much and many new buildings and shopping centres have completly changed the face of the city.

These places have gone from second world places to two of europes top cities ( Moscow is now the second most expensive city in the world to live in behind Tokyo )

Moscow is very much a Multicultural city with people going there from other places in europe, and places such as vietnam
Only from countries worse to live in than Russia. Which means most of the central Asian -%26quot;stan%26quot; countries and little else.

There is no place in the business world for Russia because of the anarchy legal system. If you are a foreign businessman, anybody connected to the state/mafia can find a way to take money from you or your business.

The process will last forever as long as the current political system holds up.

Those cities have received a lot of funds to clean up their central districts and some infrastructure projects are occuring but still lag most of Europe in basic needs, pollution standards, etc.