Friday, 16 September 2011

Changing the world one liberal at a time...?

I have never gotten a serious answer to this VERY serious question. Please.. Liberals... be nice to this conservative troll and TRY to read the question, think about it, and respond.

We want the environment to be a better place. What would happen if HALF the US population were to live the way they vote. They voted for Obama, i would think a 'green' leaning candidate (right?). What if every single person who voted for Obama really did start walking, sharing rides, using the swirly light bulbs, mulched, recycled etc. (white roofs.. solar energy etc etc.. please.. i mean EVERYTHING).

What if they did this voluntarily with everyone else living the way they do now. (Remember this means 50% of businesses would be doing the same thing.. living STRICTLY green lives cuase the planet is at stake).

Libs.. please. dont flame me.. just think about it.. i am TOTALLY serious. What if you just all really did CHOOSE to live like this, what if you started living to help the poor as well, focused on helping the planet and the poor. 100 million americans CHOOSING to live this way. TO give 25+ percent of their income to these causes, apart from current taxation.

The more serious questino is this.. and here is where my hackles rise. Why are you NOT doing this. Why are 50 percent of you not LIVING it out RIGHT FREAKING NOW?

Isn't is a moral choice to live this way? But you are not choosing to do so? Only conclusion i can come to is that you want to FORCE all of us to make YOUR moral choices.. .right.. you want to LEGISLATE morality because clearly YOUR SIDE does not have the intestinal fortitude to live by your beliefs. Admit it.. if you all did have this.. you would just be doing it. The poor would be cared for, the nation would be pollution free...

but you don't.

why not..
Changing the world one liberal at a time...?
That is unrealistic and you know it. Some people do the things you mentioned, but to expect everyone to live a certain lifestyle is delusional.
Changing the world one liberal at a time...?
Not a lib but I have to give you kudos- clap clap clap- for pointing out the glaring disparity in what they say they want and what they do to make it happen in every day life.

Are you aware of the studies done proving that conservatives in fact give more time and more money to their local charities.

Kind of always cracks me up-

seems they're writing checks with their mouths that their butts can't cash.
Couldn't afford to under the Bush economy.
Clue: Simply stand in front of a mirror, and raise your %26quot;Left%26quot; hand!!! ~ See, how the image in the mirror has it's %26quot;Right%26quot; hand raised??? ~ It's all in how you see the world!!! ~ If you get lucky, perhaps, you will awaken and become the next Liberal, on your block!!! ~ Have a happy life, my friend, and, never stop asking questions!!! ~ The answers really are out there!!!