Friday, 7 October 2011

Would the saying,"Knowledge can only come from outside" have any bearing on "The Why of 4 years in Iraq"?

phrase used in the business world and what it means is change can only come if ideas from sources outside of the company or industry is constantly being brought in.

Today we see Ventrue capital buying up companys that are either going broke or seem to have reached a peak in their earning potential. The companys stuck in their insular management thinks they are most effecient and a buyer seeing possabilitys buys , reorganizes, and within 5 yrs and no more than 7 they completly transform old entity into better form.

On many projects within an industry it is soemone new with fresh ideas or ideas he can incorproate from his past experiences that turn out to be most valued.

Companys get too stuck on their own self worth, feel threatened by insider, build empires within and thereby stifel attempts at change. The mess our military has made of Iraq, lack of quality leadership,and bureaucratic politics of Generals who know no better or keep quiet, job scared!

Time to reorganize?
Would the saying,%26quot;Knowledge can only come from outside%26quot; have any bearing on %26quot;The Why of 4 years in Iraq%26quot;?
Yes, but the Bush administration will not even let the ideas of the Generals into the Iraq strategy.
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