Can programs like The Climate Registry drive international efforts to affect change in the way we do business?
I like the idea, it makes sense. I hope it has a positive affect on the way we do business, however change doesn't happen over night. You didn't mention limits though, I think I will look into your links. Initializing an idea without goals doesn't make sense. If all they have to do is report what's the point?
Can programs like The Climate Registry drive international efforts to affect change in the way we do business?
No- just because the 'rules' are there doesn't mean anyone will play by them
Let's hope not.
Not within constitutional limits it can't.
Great, just what companies need. More busy work instead of hiring people to make products. Sounds like an excuse to monitor activities than a legitimate need, Big Brother has arrived.
Sure, it would make companies accountable for their GHG emissions. It would also inform consumers as to which companies and organizations were doing the most to reduce their emissions, and public opinion could encourage more companies to reduce them.