Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How did both the American & Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?

We all know how they did it (via illegal hacking into the internet mainframe with outside assistance).

BUT my question is how the HELL did both losers (John HOW?WAR!DUH! %26amp; Georgie Porgie W BUSHWEEK) get away with it, and blatantly pulled it off in front of the whole world, and considering such fraudulent business in Australian Government, is Aussie government really as pathetic as the American Government as they've been showing us of late? Have we really joined America's ratrace of ULTIMATE self DOOM!

It would be a nice change to be proven wrong for once I must say, I mean I only hope that the perception of the majority is wrong for all our sakes...Let me know what you think, maybe you could put this old silent warriors mind at ease at give me some reason to put faith back into our future government, because quite frankly everything they do at the moment is completely appauling and is absolutely disgusting %26amp; irrelevant to our Nations future with the rest of the world, let alone us.
How did both the American %26amp; Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?
I don't know why you think that the Australian elections were rigged. They were conducted the way they have always been and the votes were counted the way they have always been. I know it is hard to believe but Howard and his mob got in because the Liberals won - fair and square.

The reason that we are going down the toilet, especially in international terms, is that Howard has an unhealthy and sycophantic adoration of George Bush and his mates and is copying Bush's policies at every opportunity. If you look at all the things that Howard has done with immigration, terrorist laws and nuclear (to name a few), they almost to the letter reflect the policies of the Bush administration so that Australia has become a little mini copy of the US. This is what Howard wants and this is what he is turning Australia into.

In Australia, the rich are getting very much richer and the less rich are working longer and harder for less money. We have to pay for more public services than ever before and the %26quot;tax cuts%26quot; that are given to placate critics have actually been a major influence on interest rates by increasing inflation. The only people who are better off than they have ever been (as Howard keeps telling us we are!!) are those in the upper income bracket and those who already have more than their fair share of the money and power.

The ordinary Aussie battlers are getting screwed and come next election Howard will realise that the majority of Australians are fed up with all his BS and that it is time for a change.
How did both the American %26amp; Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?
We live in countries that have voter that concern themselves with what is in it for them to the point that they are so blinded by the promises and the artificial fearmongering that they cannot see the lies until the reality bites them after the election. the majority are not necessarily right it often means that more people are wrong.
No manipulation occurred, except (in the US) in Wisconsin, which was almost certainly stolen for Kerry.
Leaving aside your major delusions, let me set one thing straight. Mainframes are pretty much the most secure form of computer, in use today.

It is generally FAR (REPEAT, FAR) harder to hack a mainframe than any other machine.

By comparison, web servers running Linux are Swiss cheese.
Gotta love conspiracy theorists!

You ****! Howard got in because the majority of aussies voted for him. There was no rigging. The federal government has don a great job, and has made some tough decisions to ensure that we are not like the other countries e.g. the US.

Because of howard

1. People can get a job if they want one

2. Interest rates are still within safe limits

3. Inflation is within safe limits

4. Australia has no governement debt

5. Australia can handle turbulent foreign markets without too much impact on our own economy

People who vote for Rudd next election will be voting because they are selfish. They cannot see that things like workchoices are there for the greater good. They also only look at the short term pay issues, rather than realising that thousands of people now have jobs and no longer live in poverty, thanks to the flexability that the workchoices reforms allowed businesses. More women can now rejoin the work force without being restricted by Union agreements. People can work as much or as little as they want, and negotiate conditions individually to suit their own work/life balance. Stop the scare campaign and get back to your bachelor of arts degree.
The majority of people does not believe what you are spewing because it is totally false. It's so false that even you know it's false. Nice try.