Friday, 7 October 2011

How can one person helps to save the World?

Today we all face a great challenge. The use of fossil fuels to create electricity and power cars, trucks and planes has begun to impact the global climate. Without immediate action, many scientists predict climate change may soon cause major crop losses and lack of drinking water throughout the world.

Our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren now depend upon each of us taking immediate action to stop climate change. This may seem like an overwhelming task, but it isn't. Stopping climate change is a simple problem that each of us has the ability to solve.

Many people look to governments, businesses and nonprofit organizations to solve our environmental problems. In reality, however, no organization or government can stop climate change, only individuals can. Each of us has the ability to make minor changes to our own lives that can have a rapid and positive impact on the global environment.
How can one person helps to save the World?
Peter Patrelli can save the world!!!
How can one person helps to save the World?
ur absolutely right!! its on each one of us, y cant we make difference with just a little compromise in every-way possible
see this type of problems nobody thinks about this in india

b'coz the person is busy in the day to day activity so he has no time to think about this...

but if we do somthing for awareness they will take it seriously

we have to explain them this type is arising in front of our future..
Here, here!!! all those in favour say %26quot;aye%26quot; *ayyyyye* : ) I'm with ya 100% on that! haha Dingle Dongle's answer is a classic though! lol
The above questions are for novices, especially to al gore who failed in geometry. The cause of global warming is the Sun and its a cycle for thousands of years, global warming or global cooling. Whether we like it or not we have a global warming and global cooling.
The key lies in forgiveness....