Friday, 7 October 2011

Can you help me to change the world ?

I am Nepalese. Do you know Nepal country. It is difficult to start an international business. I am in search of investor.

I have a new e-business`s project (net working business) like 'Gold Quest' ,'Dewsoft' ( etc. This project declares the negative points of running e-business and this accepts the positive points of these. Most of all people don`t belive these old e business. A little members of e-business gains profit by these and most of all members gains loss by these.

This my project gives mixmum profit to active member but dosen`t give loss to any member.

IF you are interest this project, I am insearch of investor.

If you haven`t interest in e-business, you can help me to search investor.

Use me and win the race with the wealthy man Bill Gates.
Can you help me to change the world ?
First you change. Be innovative. Be +. You will win. But do not cheat people. It will your success secret
Can you help me to change the world ?
Without any disrespectI

Impossibilities will be dealt with straght away however miracles may take a little longer,

good luck