Friday, 7 October 2011

Why does Wallmart still practice poor customer service?

I've never heard anything good or experienced good customer service from Wallmart. It's always about the attitude and the lack of knowledge about the store products and product locations of the staffs and MANAGERS...If I were a store manager I'd definitely turns the bad customer service 180 degrees. I think many ppl would agree about Wallmart. Its the biggest discount warehouse business in the world and is known for the worst customer service. I see they are trying to change their image on commercials but I wonder if they are making changes internally in the stores....
Why does Wallmart still practice poor customer service?
Try asking someone that actually works in the department the product you want is located! I work in the bakery and people come up and ask me stupid questions all the time! I don't freaking shop there! I live 30 min away! People ask me where's your charcoal, where's your certain type of meat, do you have anymore onions. I'm ******* stocking the bakery shelves or going to the break room for my lunch I can't answer your stupid *** questions! I can answer bakery questions! Try thinking of walmart workers as human beings for once! Every worker cant know everything about the damn store, they're trainer in their department. Sure I try to be nice and run around looking for **** they could look for them selves but it pissed me off and stressed me out because it takes time away from my actual job.