Friday, 7 October 2011

Has Copenhagen Summit Established A World Government... ?

Amid all the mainstream media reports of the talks in Copenhagen “limping” to a close and having failed, Lord Christopher Monckton, reporting from the summit, has stated that the only goal of the conference was to implement the framework and the funding for a world government – which he asserts has been achieved.

“That is the one thing that they are definitely going to succeed in doing here and they will announce that as a victory in itself, and they will be right because that is the one and only single aim of this entire global warming conference, to establish the mechanism, the structure, and above all the funding for a world government.” the British politician, business consultant, policy adviser exclusively told the Alex Jones show yesterday.

“They are going to take from the western countries the very large financial resources required to do that.” Monckton said, adding “They will disguise it by saying they are setting up a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries, but actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.”

“The first thing they will do, and the one thing I think they were always going to succeed in doing at this conference is to agree to establish what will be delicately called ‘the institutional framework’. Now that is a code word for world government.”

Lord Monckton explained that although the word “government” has been dropped from the treaty, all the interlocking bureaucratic features of a world government are still present in the final draft of the treaty, which also legislates for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank.

“These are the new entities that they are going to bring into being in order to create this world government” he said.


“World government is coming because the leaders of the West have given up. They no longer care about democracy, they know longer care about the truth about the climate.” Monckton said. “They are willing to go along with this world government because they see roles for themselves in that world government in exactly the same way as the leaders of the EU did.”
Has Copenhagen Summit Established A World Government... ?
That was the goal, and the fact that agreement was reached to redistribute wealth is the camel's nose in the tent...

However, IMO, the MGW hoax will be exposed in the coming months as more information is leaked or found. American citizen support is sinking fast, both on the faked science and the financing.
Has Copenhagen Summit Established A World Government... ?
Quit fussin' and try some New World Hor Dourves.
neo-cons, hold a big greed grudge
What you fail to realize is that a world government already exists that is completely controlled by the international banking community. I think the sub prime mortgage derivative disaster of 2008 showed just how much power this community is able to wield.

They are capable of creating and destroying trillions of dollars of virtual money at will and certainly the %26quot;leaders%26quot; who met in Copenhagen are incapable of doing that. I think, more than anything else, the banking world has merely allowed these token leaders to assuage their damaged egos and once the Copenhagen meeting is over, everything in the real world will continue as it always has. After all $100,000,000,000 is mere chump change to the real masters of universe and I think the measly amount they were given just proves my point.
Yes, the world leaders are out to get normal Americans like me and you by trying to implement a %26quot;world government%26quot;. This new orwellian government will keep an eye on the everyday movements of its citizens to keep them from inciting rebellion. It will also throw away all former beliefs about Human Rights and start to persecute anyone who has any thoughts separate from the %26quot;collective mind%26quot; of the rest of the society. Freedom will cease to exist and everyone will live like ants, working tirelessly for a system that uses them up and then throws them away. BEWARE!!!!!!