Wednesday, 26 October 2011

All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?

Wealth rules politics, wealth rules business, wealth rules power! The millionaire, the multi-millionaire, the billionaire, the multi-billionaire; do you really think that these people are going to change our country enough that we, the 'Have-Nots', and the 'have little, but want more's', are going to be able to make wealth for ourselves? Should they change the world for the better for us, they will be destroying the very social structure that has given them, and that guarantees them, their wealth, power and greed! It will always be 'No way Hose' on this one.

A king will never abdicate his throne.

Our present political candidates are 'lying through their teeth' about making this country better for the masses. They dream about giving away their money, but the reality is that they only want more money and more POWER! Look at how great the gulf between have and have-not has become, in this country, in the last 30 years or more. Our situation is getting poorer and poorer, they richer, hmmm?
All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?
All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?
While you obviously have to be wealthy to participate in politics at the highest levels, I don't think that precludes politicians from legitimately wanting to bring about beneficial change for the lower and middle classes. Also, many politicians who are currently well off came from humble beginnings. Those tough early years can shape a person's perspective for life, and often this allows rich people to continue to identify with the working class.

I continue to believe in our system, and I hope that we can see a trend towards honesty in politics, no matter the subject.
Most of the politicians are puppets of the globalist bankers such as the Rothchilds and Rockefellers. You should never believe what politicians say. Just look at their actions to see what they're really up to. More and more people are brainwashed by mainstream media and fooled into thinking that these stringed puppets care about the well being of American citizens. But common sense and clear logic should show you that they care about themselves and their globalist agenda.
first who told you that they have your best interest in mind?

They do not, they have their ego and a chance to leave a mark in the history books in mind. They get paid less to perform public office positions then they can make on the outside world. (However they build some dandy contacts for later busness).

There is no intend to get rid of the have and have nots, the better ones try to make sure the have nots do not starve and get the a little medical treatment at least.

However basic Capitalistic business will tell you that the rich create jobs to make a profit and provide jobs that are NOT going to loss them monies. This allows the poor to have work, earn money and survive and the rich to take in all the rest. IFa worker is smart enough he creates a %26quot;job%26quot;, %26quot;product%26quot; or %26quot;business%26quot; of his own and tries to join the ranks of the rich. Very simple concept, if the media is telling you that you are valuble person just because you exist then you are buying a load of crap.

The rich just learned early how the rules are played by and keep the rules quite. After all they need the worker bees to make a profit.
I've got to ask. What's the difference between wealthy and rich?

Your premise seems to be that politicians only act in their own, or their class's, self interest. If that is the case then a poor politician will be just as bad and self serving as a rich / wealthy one.

If they are rich then at least they are less tempted by bribery.
What's the difference between wealthy and rich? They need money to get elected. Some families have wealth (e.g., Kennedy). Others have made money on the backs of average Americans (e.g., Edwards - trial attorney). They are all greedy for power.
Yes - Republicans have proven they want more wealth and power.

OTOH - John Edwards wasn't born rich - and understands the daily burden of Americans trying to make it in a world where the Republicans have deliberately widened the gap between rich and poor by focusing their constituents on hating gays and abortion. Oh- and Dems too.

Edwards has the best ideas and the most specific - and will represent ALL Americans.

Edwards - YaaaY!!
Out of all the obstacles to wealth, which one is the greatest? the most formidable?