Friday, 7 October 2011

Why did John McCain have to borrow from his life insurance policy to finance his political campaign?

If so many rich Republicans are on McCain's side, why did he have to borrow from his life insurance policy to pay for his television ads? If McCain does not have enough money to manage his own private business affairs, how can he manage the US government's economy that is suffering tremendously because of all of the money America is spending overseas? I honestly admire McCain for his valor %26amp; courage during the Vietnam War but the wars in Iraq %26amp; Afghanistan are different, and the United States has made tremendous sacrifices in effort to change the world and build democracies in countries that are much older than the USA and steeped in historical and religious traditions. The great General Omar Bradley said that %26quot;we (Americans) know more about war than we know about peace.%26quot; There are many great quotes about the terrible consequences of war by former American generals including Presidents Eisenhower that you should read %26amp; remember. Also, look up:
Why did John McCain have to borrow from his life insurance policy to finance his political campaign?
It would seem that the Demohook has been set deeply.

Check the Senate and the House and 'determine' which party is the party of the rich. Most of the past Democratic Party has been Millionaires BEFORE they entered office.

Or as PT Barnum once said There is a sucker born every minute.

Follow the party line and see where it leads....
Why did John McCain have to borrow from his life insurance policy to finance his political campaign?
I agree he doesn't seem very bright... as well it costs 10 000 x more money to run a democracy than it does to run a moarchy or oligarchy... so I don't think the americans should be imposing their ideas on other people.
Why is this in history? This is current and as such should be politics.
The Republicans, as a group, were not going to get too solidly behind any canididate until he was definitely the winner of the nomination - because to do so was risking looking bad later. Since they couldn't back one candidate over another, they couldn't dump their money onto him. He borrowed the money for his campaign - which despite the way you characterized it - since it did result in him gaining the Republican nomination, seems like a pretty good way to manage his finances - it worked.

The campaign is a completely seperate thing from McCain's own finances. Just the same, his personal finances have nothing to do with (and better have nothing to do with) the money of the US government.
Because he wanted to make you mad...Why is Hillary Clintons Campaign Banckrupt? Why does Obama think he is Jesus and pass the plate around his church for tithes?