Greedism is an economic doctrine that supports extreme exploitation and hoarding of un needed wealth at the expense of the exploited.
How much does an average American needs to live our finite life?
An estate tycoon WILLED $3 billion to a dog in the very USA where people are loosing houses to foreclosure?
It is not time to introduce maximum wealth/wage for every individual in our world?
Is it not time for the world to change the way Business are done like capping xxv profit/exploitation?
Has capitalism been defeated by greedism?
Capitalism been defeated by Greedism, that is how it works.
Has capitalism been defeated by greedism?
Capitalism works fine until people become greedy and start moving from sound investment and banking practice into straightforward gambling with other people's money. That is effectively what the banks have done and that's why the economy is in the state it is.