...what changes could be made from the top, to make Walmart a force of good in the world instead of just another symbol of greed? What are your ideas of 'enlightened' business practices, at the corporate level? And what would your new mission statement be, if you were made CEO, of God forbid WALMART? (hey I'd love this challenge -- I'd use the power to make a dent in poverty...but that's just me)
Answer any or all of these questions, or none at all if you choose. :-)
Blessings of abundance to everyone (and 10 points to the most inspired answer :-))
To those who dislike Walmart for its inequitous business practices....what changes could be made.....?
Wal-Mart, as is the case with any individual or organization, has great potential for good, and great potential for bad.
Similar to how I currently view the USAF, the corruption in Wal-Mart could best be cleansed from the inside. I would pay people their worth, focusing on their needs for healthcare, creating programs for their wellbeing- believing that an employee taken care of will take care of you.
I would minimize the impact the company has on the environment. There is enough money now so corners don't have to be cut. Wal-Mart will still make plenty of money, and gain more respect if they treat their people and environment better.
Wal-Mart is falling away from the %26quot;American%26quot; image it had- buying more and more into the slave labor market... this is unfortunately one of the things that makes Wal-Mart more affordable to people with low incomes. There is no easy fix to this situation. If they only sold American made products, some poor slave laborer in a foreign country wouldn't make even their few cents that day and starve. However, if you take away the market for sweatshop labor, then hopefully it will stop being practiced and people can turn their attentions on more positive things.
A CEO should be paid more than an entry level worker, as that is part of working your way up... but it should not be such a ridiculously high amount as to depress the workers, or rob from them.
A certain percent of profit should be set aside, soley for acts of charity. World hunger could be knocked out, if the right technologies were funded. Using the radioactive isotope Cobalt 60 not to spread nuclear fallout, but to irradiate and thus preserve food would allow said food to be shipped to places that need it (this process may decrease some vitamin content, but keeps the food edible several times longer- it's much better than the alternative of starving!). Currently countless tons of food that could have been saved is thrown away every day. This food could be sent to those who hunger. Once their immediate physical needs have been met these people can be taught useful skills and how to help themselves. If food isn't available, then these people feel there's nothing for them.
Well, I managed not only to ramble on about Wal-Mart, but my proposed way of stopping world hunger as well. Hope you enjoyed! :)
Good luck with the health food store! I'd like to hear how it turns out... Maybe even buy into a franchise if I ever make enough money. :)
To those who dislike Walmart for its inequitous business practices....what changes could be made.....?
eat snacky smores
For those that have a problem with wal-mart shouldn't shop there. The less people that shop at wal-mart the faster the store would go down. I personally love the store.
is that you in the pic?..i think i know you..yea yea i think ive seen you, im sure of it now im absolutely positive .i think..let me look closer..yeaaa it sure looks like you..without a doubt ive never seen you before
I've never been to a Wal-Mart but I'm guessing its a temple of senseless consumerism and a role-model for corporate greed. Why is it so bad? Because a select few people are getting stinking rich off it. But the stores themselves are just as dispensable as the products they sell. From the dawn of the Sears-Roebuck Catalog people have been getting rich off blind shopping patterns and our economy, laws and tolerance allow it. In short, hate the game, not the player. Today its Wal-mart, tomorrow it will be something else.