Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Health: a private business or a human right?

I read that the health service in USA was considered at a low level by the world health org., worse than in Costa Rica, even if the USA medical research is at the top. Maybe because in USA health is considered a private business and not a human right and a public service, like, e.g., in Europe. What do you think of it? Do you think that things are going to change or the private interest of ensurance companies will still prevail in the USA government politics?
Health: a private business or a human right?
Well said katie30. I don't think people should have to pay extra for health-care, its good that its included in taxes, because then you're definitely covered. The health service is reasonably good in the UK in my opinion and we probably don't have to wait much longer than Americans with insurance. And to the person who said that our health is our own business, somethings happen to our bodies that aren't our fault and we shouldn't have to pay extortionate money just to survive.
Health: a private business or a human right?
Healthcare costs money. Would You expect a free car?
Leggi e.. venne chiamata due cuori di marlo morgan e capirai tutto.
If it was a `human right` it would be free in England.

But it ain`t free so therefore it`s not a `human right`
Human right in a free society We are one of three that do not have that and the two others are 3rd world countries.
If we gave healthcare away, it would suck for everyone 100% of the time not just the folks who don't have health insurance. Most (if not all) Emergency Rooms take patients without insurance. Besides over 40% of the people who don't have it, have full time jobs and opt out of health insurance... they're not all poor starving homeless people. Money doesn't grow on trees as yet and I'd pay $25 (or even more) for a good doctor who can see me this week than wait 4 months and die while trying to see a FREE doctor.
health is personal responsibility

should you chose to pass that responsibility to a healthcare provider, expect to pay for it.

smoke, do alcohol, do other drugs, drink soda, eat refined foods, snacks, never feed or rest your body properly and you pay..either in ill health or cash...why should taxpayers foot the bill??
don't know much about USA health care cos I'm in the UK. but my opinion is health care is a basic human right and besides, we pay hefty taxes on food, alcohol, cigarettes and wages, council tax so its only right we get treatment and operations on the nhs. its the tax payer paying for the service, therefore we are actually paying for our health treatment, which is why it annoys me that some parts of the country are refusing to operate on smokers. smokers are penalised more than anyone financially, and i'm sure what they pay on taxes through ciggies will be a damn sight more than if they went private.
It is one of the things US should consider but not use the British model. I think health care payments should be made separate form taxation on a Income tax basis and ring fenced by law. Much of the problem with the HS in UK stems from government interference in something it does not understand, each political party when it comes into power changes the rules. I have a feeling that the Canadian health financial system is a better one
it IS a human right, still . . .
Human right hands down.

In America, there are too many greedy CEOs who don't give a care about their people. You should know that by now.
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