Simply put. How can you make money in the business world, by going green? The initial costs are usually huge... what changes can one make in the workplace that result in big savings, or profit making?|||it depends on how you market. consumers are very green savvy these days and many expect companies they work with will be doing extra to protect the environment. with that said, marketing plays a key role in getting information out to consumers that your company is applying green principles to your operations. you will attract customers this way.
check this article out for super easy ideas for going green both at work and at home:鈥?/a>|||Follow the 3Rs. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
By simply Recycling the stuff ( but make sure that its clean). Which includes scratch papers and paper bags, avoid buying plastics (biodegradable materials are cheaper ;P)
If you are in a restaurant style, dont give bendy straws it just add to the waste. I hope that i had been of help.
|||not all initial costs are huge.. but it depends what kind of business you have..
turning lights off when people are not there costs you nothing.. but saves alot..
there are probably a lot of extra lights on all the time.. if you look around... and maybe the heat can be turned down 1 degree.. or use less air conditioning.. (use curtains on windows to cut down sun from heating up in the summer)
add a few LIVE plants.. this also improves morale too!
use junk faxes as not paper - eg.. cut them up and write on the back..|||Turn off computers at night- no expence and money saved. Same with lights and heat and a/c.
|||I would suggest finding a work at home job. The below article has a lot of tips and ideas on how to make money from home. Good luck!