I have an invention that will change the world?
I also have a business plan and an executive summary. I am ready to file for PPM and am in the midst of getting my Reg D 405 paperwork done.
So whats my next step?
How do i take this to the next level.
Patenting is not an issue as you cant exactly patent this,
and its really hard to steal unless you get inside my head.
-GarySomers|||Hard to say without knowing more about the invention.
- If this is a product requiring manufacturing, talk to companies that might do so. Get a non-disclosure agreement first. But your description does not sound like this.
- If this is a method of doing something, you basically have to patent it.
I don%26#039;t know what PPM or Reg D are. Is that British?
Sunday, 5 June 2011
The business world bores the crap out of me. Any advice for a career change?
Fireman, that would be exciting and doesn%26#039;t take long for training.|||Love me baby, I love your picture.
World changing inventions yet to come?
Put on your thinking caps, folks.
Every now and then, something totally new comes along, like I-Pod which put all the record and CD stores right out of business, and does anyone remember Western Union? Used to be the dominant telegram company. People thought trains would make people faint due to the speed. Naturally, it can%26#039;t be great without a market for the product.
What new inventions will come along that will change the world in the future?
I%26#039;d like a realistic 3D hologram stage in the center of my living room instead of a two dimensional TV in the corner.
Or a car that runs on water...|||no-screen computer.
self-autonomous robots with personality.
making love with robots.
travel to other dimensions.
garage oil production by bacteria for self consumption.
telepathy by humans.|||teleportation devices and flying cars!|||A car that runs on water already exists.
I say a new thing id appreciate is a 3d game console.
Every now and then, something totally new comes along, like I-Pod which put all the record and CD stores right out of business, and does anyone remember Western Union? Used to be the dominant telegram company. People thought trains would make people faint due to the speed. Naturally, it can%26#039;t be great without a market for the product.
What new inventions will come along that will change the world in the future?
I%26#039;d like a realistic 3D hologram stage in the center of my living room instead of a two dimensional TV in the corner.
Or a car that runs on water...|||no-screen computer.
self-autonomous robots with personality.
making love with robots.
travel to other dimensions.
garage oil production by bacteria for self consumption.
telepathy by humans.|||teleportation devices and flying cars!|||A car that runs on water already exists.
I say a new thing id appreciate is a 3d game console.
Moving from the business world to teaching in CA.. help!!! : )?
I have a bachelor%26#039;s degree with a double major in Marketing and
Psychology. I have been in the
business world for the first 5 years of my post college days, and am
highly considering making a change to teaching. I would love to teach
at the Junior High level... most likely science or math.
Can anyone please give me an overview of what that process would look like?
1. How much will that likely cost? (I would prefer an online course so
I could continue to work if need be)
2. What would the time committment likely be?
3. Could I teach in California with my educational background while I
am getting credentialed? I have heard about %26quot;temporary permits%26quot;. Do
these exist?
Thank you in advance... I have been searching on line but am having a
difficult time pulling all of the info together.
Have a great day!!|||Welcome to the club.
I too have decided to quit the business world in pursuit of teaching.
My bachelors is in Business Management but I want to teach history at the middle school level, and perhaps one day history and business at the high school level. I%26#039;ve had enough of downsizing, pointless meetings, cubicles, and office politics.
I enrolled in American Public University for a M.A. in American History.
Its all online, and its awesome.
For a masters degree its going to end up costing about $10 grand. The important thing though is that it is regionally accredited. I cant speak for CA, but in VA that makes all the difference. As for the time it takes each week, I spend about an hour a day doing required reading, responding to posts on the class discussion board, and writing papers a little at a time. The classes are either 8 or 16 weeks in length, your choice.
I would immagine that in CA you could teach psychology or marketing in high school with your current credentials. You may have to get a teachers certification first. I would contact the california department of education, or your city/county school office and ask to speak to someone in personell, thats what I did. The person I talked to told me everything I wanted to know.
Hope that helps a little. Good luck with teaching.|||I%26#039;m making a career change to teaching as well, and first you need to become a licensed teacher. You can apply to a bachelor degree program which would take 1-1/2 year to 2 years or to a master%26#039;s in teaching program which should take a year. The pay difference between the level A and level M is 4-10%. So it does make a difference and every teacher I%26#039;ve met has recommended the master%26#039;s program/MAT because you are taught the same information but paid more. I don%26#039;t know how it is for science but for me I could easily transition into a Middle Grades Language Arts program. For the A level certificate/licensure I only needed to have a B.A. in English.
Most programs cost 5,000 depending on how many courses you have to take. If your B.A. does not directly relate to the program you are applying to it will cost more b/c you have to take certain courses. For example, my other major was Afro-American Studies, so for the English teaching certificate I would have to take several more English courses prolonging the program and money.
If you want to try your hand in sub teaching you can. All that requires is you fill out an application. You will be paid less 20-30 dollars less than a certified teacher, but that%26#039;s how it goes.
Now if you didn%26#039;t want to go back to school there are several real-life/real world teaching education programs which puts people in the classroom and they are learning how to be teachers as they go. I%26#039;m not quite familiar with this programs but they do exist. I suggest you visit a counselor to talk about the options. I do not mean a high school guidance counselor but a counselor/administer working for your districts home office. For Carrboro-Chapel Hill School Systems, I had to visit the Century Building for information on the entire school system. Their office has the sub teaching forms and administrative help willing to help you shadow other teachers or ask questions about job requirements. Check out a school district near your residence and see if you can schedule an appointment. Trust me they would be happy to let you know about the remaining requirements
Psychology. I have been in the
business world for the first 5 years of my post college days, and am
highly considering making a change to teaching. I would love to teach
at the Junior High level... most likely science or math.
Can anyone please give me an overview of what that process would look like?
1. How much will that likely cost? (I would prefer an online course so
I could continue to work if need be)
2. What would the time committment likely be?
3. Could I teach in California with my educational background while I
am getting credentialed? I have heard about %26quot;temporary permits%26quot;. Do
these exist?
Thank you in advance... I have been searching on line but am having a
difficult time pulling all of the info together.
Have a great day!!|||Welcome to the club.
I too have decided to quit the business world in pursuit of teaching.
My bachelors is in Business Management but I want to teach history at the middle school level, and perhaps one day history and business at the high school level. I%26#039;ve had enough of downsizing, pointless meetings, cubicles, and office politics.
I enrolled in American Public University for a M.A. in American History.
Its all online, and its awesome.
For a masters degree its going to end up costing about $10 grand. The important thing though is that it is regionally accredited. I cant speak for CA, but in VA that makes all the difference. As for the time it takes each week, I spend about an hour a day doing required reading, responding to posts on the class discussion board, and writing papers a little at a time. The classes are either 8 or 16 weeks in length, your choice.
I would immagine that in CA you could teach psychology or marketing in high school with your current credentials. You may have to get a teachers certification first. I would contact the california department of education, or your city/county school office and ask to speak to someone in personell, thats what I did. The person I talked to told me everything I wanted to know.
Hope that helps a little. Good luck with teaching.|||I%26#039;m making a career change to teaching as well, and first you need to become a licensed teacher. You can apply to a bachelor degree program which would take 1-1/2 year to 2 years or to a master%26#039;s in teaching program which should take a year. The pay difference between the level A and level M is 4-10%. So it does make a difference and every teacher I%26#039;ve met has recommended the master%26#039;s program/MAT because you are taught the same information but paid more. I don%26#039;t know how it is for science but for me I could easily transition into a Middle Grades Language Arts program. For the A level certificate/licensure I only needed to have a B.A. in English.
Most programs cost 5,000 depending on how many courses you have to take. If your B.A. does not directly relate to the program you are applying to it will cost more b/c you have to take certain courses. For example, my other major was Afro-American Studies, so for the English teaching certificate I would have to take several more English courses prolonging the program and money.
If you want to try your hand in sub teaching you can. All that requires is you fill out an application. You will be paid less 20-30 dollars less than a certified teacher, but that%26#039;s how it goes.
Now if you didn%26#039;t want to go back to school there are several real-life/real world teaching education programs which puts people in the classroom and they are learning how to be teachers as they go. I%26#039;m not quite familiar with this programs but they do exist. I suggest you visit a counselor to talk about the options. I do not mean a high school guidance counselor but a counselor/administer working for your districts home office. For Carrboro-Chapel Hill School Systems, I had to visit the Century Building for information on the entire school system. Their office has the sub teaching forms and administrative help willing to help you shadow other teachers or ask questions about job requirements. Check out a school district near your residence and see if you can schedule an appointment. Trust me they would be happy to let you know about the remaining requirements
Is this a decent thesis and what is the term for blackberries, laptops and computers?
My essay is on how technology has changed the business world.
Advancements in communication, office technology and the Internet have become necessary tools that have revolutionized the vast world of commerce.|||You need to narrow it down a bit. The word %26quot;vast%26quot; makes your thesis seem endless. Try something shorter like %26quot;Advancements in business technology have become vital to the success of the commerce industry.%26quot;
Advancements in communication, office technology and the Internet have become necessary tools that have revolutionized the vast world of commerce.|||You need to narrow it down a bit. The word %26quot;vast%26quot; makes your thesis seem endless. Try something shorter like %26quot;Advancements in business technology have become vital to the success of the commerce industry.%26quot;
At what level the kind of danger could be faced by those who try to introduce H2O Engine to the world?
Should H2O Engine could replace DIESEL Engine in producing Electricity throughout the world it means the world could save billions liters of DIESEL in generating electricity. In other word, Billions dollar of world business would be change to different party.|||I am unclear what you mean by a H2O engine. one which has water as bi-product such as the hydrogen fuel cell, or one based on the Idea that water can %26quot;burn%26quot; in a chemical reaction, which is not really posible, You really don%26#039;t want oceans and rivers that can burn.|||I think it could also change our atmosphere into a wetter,damper climate as the water evaporates. It as to go somewhere and would eventually saturate and turn to rain or perhaps mist|||There is no water engine, unless you mean a steam engine, but water is not the power source. If you mean hydrogen fuel cells, which turn hydrogen into water, yes, but there are not many pure hydrogen deposits. We have to un-burn water in order to store it and re-burn it later, like recharging a battery. Hydrogen is not a power Supply, it%26#039;s just a power Storage medium. We would have to generate Hydrogen with electricity, either Coal, or Diesel, or Nuclear or Solar, etc.|||I guess you are a bit behind the times. About a hundred years ago there were several in use pumping water to a new level.
Water pumping water.
Water pumping water.
What would be the consequences of eliminating cash in American society?
I%26#039;ve been wondering about this for quite some time. As a consumer, it seems as if paying for anything these days is as simple as swiping a card. How much would the business world really change if cash money became obsolete?|||The government would collect more taxes because lots of people dont report income. Drugs would be difficult to purchase. It costs the treasury dept lots to print bills and produce coins so it would save the govt money. The only problems is bribes would be difficult to do so the crooks who make the laws will not change that,|||How would anybody be able to buy illegal drugs?|||i miss cash.|||satellites crash, computers fail, technology can be hacked...keep cash in your mattress!|||It%26#039;s still cash even if it%26#039;s in electronic form. You mean getting rid of hard currency. It%26#039;s only a matter of time.
%26quot;How would anybody be able to buy illegal drugs?%26quot;
Exactly. In fact, how would you run any kind of profitable criminal enterprise without somebody catching on real fast?
%26quot;How would anybody be able to buy illegal drugs?%26quot;
Exactly. In fact, how would you run any kind of profitable criminal enterprise without somebody catching on real fast?
Was the story about the guy who buried 50 buses for the year 2000 end of the world scare true?
With the upcoming 2012 end of the world funny business going on, it has resurfaced about the guy who supposedly buried 50 buses deep underground as bunkers to survive the end of the world when it changed from 1999 to 2000. I always meant to research it but I completely forgot about that story until now. Has anyone got any info on it? If this is true or not? Thanks!|||I never heard about this story
How long can your grandparents stay up?
Most of our congressmen/women are the age of typical grandparents in this country. They%26#039;re staying up all night long, and today are going to try to vote on something that may be world-changing.... certainly world-affecting.
In the business world, if someone signs papers while drunk or otherwise not fully capable (not sure if asleep on your feet qualifies), that contract is not enforceable.
Should anything that the congress passes into law today count, and can we as citizens dispute the enforceability of these laws?|||LOL.. Good one!! I don%26#039;t think this is the intent of the %26#039;lemon laws%26#039; though... maybe it should be. Maybe Bush will %26#039;protect%26#039; us by using (yet) another signing statement to alter any laws made today.|||It is common practice and has been done for decades, if not longer. No, you can%26#039;t dispute the enforceability of the laws passed.
By the way, my parents, who are older than these politicians, can stay up later than I can. Don%26#039;t judge anyone by age...age is just a number.|||Harry Reid was down for the count at midnight. This was nothing but a goofy show and illustrated once again how lame this congress is.|||Not all %26quot;old-codger-types%26quot; are asleep---some still %26quot;have it.%26quot; Don%26#039;t give up on EVERYBODY!
In the business world, if someone signs papers while drunk or otherwise not fully capable (not sure if asleep on your feet qualifies), that contract is not enforceable.
Should anything that the congress passes into law today count, and can we as citizens dispute the enforceability of these laws?|||LOL.. Good one!! I don%26#039;t think this is the intent of the %26#039;lemon laws%26#039; though... maybe it should be. Maybe Bush will %26#039;protect%26#039; us by using (yet) another signing statement to alter any laws made today.|||It is common practice and has been done for decades, if not longer. No, you can%26#039;t dispute the enforceability of the laws passed.
By the way, my parents, who are older than these politicians, can stay up later than I can. Don%26#039;t judge anyone by age...age is just a number.|||Harry Reid was down for the count at midnight. This was nothing but a goofy show and illustrated once again how lame this congress is.|||Not all %26quot;old-codger-types%26quot; are asleep---some still %26quot;have it.%26quot; Don%26#039;t give up on EVERYBODY!
What was the most influential business book you have read? How did it change you perception of the world?
read Jim Cramer%26#039;s real money sane investing in an insane world
watch his show on cnbc|||the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
It makes me see everybody in the world in a new way!
watch his show on cnbc|||the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
It makes me see everybody in the world in a new way!
How could I change the world with 50 Million dollars?
Like ive always wanted to change the world and I think im willing to pursue business or something because becoming some leader of something isnt that reliable. Any suggestions?|||I would invest in water saving technology research for future generations. |||Give it to charity|||You can make a poor bastard like me an instant millionare overnight.
Send your money to my paypal account please|||Well, if you give me a couple dollars then I promise to smile at everybody I see. :)|||50M isn%26#039;t that much money, but you can use it to do research into cancer or alternative energy.|||u cant change the world...only get cought up in its bullsh*t.|||u cant|||You could do it her or go aboard. Many food pantries could use a helping hand now. Consider your fellow american or look out side the U.S.. I am sure what ever you do will be the right thing.|||Take each million dollars and open saving accounts for Charities that you have checked out; where they will only get the interest at the end of each year. If there is 5% interest, then they would get $50,000 dollars each year to use as they need. And it will always be there year after year.|||Change everybody%26#039;s wage to $70.00 an hour. Or make their annual wage $75,000.|||spend it on your girlfriend one can%26#039;t change what doesn%26#039;t wanna be
change, better men than you have tried and failed miserably if not
even ended up dead for it, cause of a handful of of powers to be who
people refuse to believe exist, will make sure this world will stay just
as it is, %26quot; Under There Control %26quot; not the commonwealth, of the people.
Send your money to my paypal account please|||Well, if you give me a couple dollars then I promise to smile at everybody I see. :)|||50M isn%26#039;t that much money, but you can use it to do research into cancer or alternative energy.|||u cant change the world...only get cought up in its bullsh*t.|||u cant|||You could do it her or go aboard. Many food pantries could use a helping hand now. Consider your fellow american or look out side the U.S.. I am sure what ever you do will be the right thing.|||Take each million dollars and open saving accounts for Charities that you have checked out; where they will only get the interest at the end of each year. If there is 5% interest, then they would get $50,000 dollars each year to use as they need. And it will always be there year after year.|||Change everybody%26#039;s wage to $70.00 an hour. Or make their annual wage $75,000.|||spend it on your girlfriend one can%26#039;t change what doesn%26#039;t wanna be
change, better men than you have tried and failed miserably if not
even ended up dead for it, cause of a handful of of powers to be who
people refuse to believe exist, will make sure this world will stay just
as it is, %26quot; Under There Control %26quot; not the commonwealth, of the people.
How can anyone overcome google in Business ?
Now Google have large Business in world.
if anyone wants to overcome google then what he have to do?
what type of website have to start?
what type of new changes need in the web world?|||Google isn%26#039;t the only web server or business in the world.
if anyone wants to overcome google then what he have to do?
what type of website have to start?
what type of new changes need in the web world?|||Google isn%26#039;t the only web server or business in the world.
What are some words that make you think of "greatness" in a business context?
I am looking for words that mean success, excellence, pushing the envelope, changing the world, life, universals, energy. Or from the business context - saving money, finding money, building good business practices, stewardship in negotiations, client service, value, process, etc.|||innovative, ground-breaking, a pioneer in their field, a business shark (although that%26#039;s not always viewed as a positive quality), visionary...
hope those help because I can%26#039;t think of any more.
hope those help because I can%26#039;t think of any more.
What are the changing factors that could influence business in the future?
You are hired as a consultant! Your first assignment is to discuss which competitive advantage you believe the following scenarios fall into: absolute advantage, comparative advantage, or national competitive advantage. Your client also needs you to describe your rationale for your selections on each scenario.
a) A nation has companies with the capacity to make stereo equipment at a much lower price than other national producers because of lower cost labor. The stereo equipment is of the same quality as other international producers.
b) A country mines for a high-demand precious gem only found within that country鈥檚 borders and distributes the gems to jewelry dealers all over the world.
c) An overseas country passes laws to protect certain business practices that other countries may find unsuitable and perhaps unethical. The protection of these business practices are not seen as abusive or exploitive within the overseas country and are also consistent with national social standards.|||Just start your business in China, India .....|||Damn it, man. You know, I%26#039;m actually qualified to answer your question. And I could write a whole 20-page report on this. But I won%26#039;t.
Do your homework.
Or pay me to do it!|||A) National Competitive advantage: you can produce the same thing cheaper... you have the advantage.
B) Absolute advantage: your the only one who produces the gems...hence absolute advantage. An example would be the huuuuge Diamond mines in Africa.
C) Comparative advantage: Your countries practices allow you produce items at an advantage because other countries think these practices are unethical. Look at the sweat shops in mexico.
a) A nation has companies with the capacity to make stereo equipment at a much lower price than other national producers because of lower cost labor. The stereo equipment is of the same quality as other international producers.
b) A country mines for a high-demand precious gem only found within that country鈥檚 borders and distributes the gems to jewelry dealers all over the world.
c) An overseas country passes laws to protect certain business practices that other countries may find unsuitable and perhaps unethical. The protection of these business practices are not seen as abusive or exploitive within the overseas country and are also consistent with national social standards.|||Just start your business in China, India .....|||Damn it, man. You know, I%26#039;m actually qualified to answer your question. And I could write a whole 20-page report on this. But I won%26#039;t.
Do your homework.
Or pay me to do it!|||A) National Competitive advantage: you can produce the same thing cheaper... you have the advantage.
B) Absolute advantage: your the only one who produces the gems...hence absolute advantage. An example would be the huuuuge Diamond mines in Africa.
C) Comparative advantage: Your countries practices allow you produce items at an advantage because other countries think these practices are unethical. Look at the sweat shops in mexico.
How can I start a small "green" business?
am currently in college getting a degree in management because I had no idea what I wanted to do. Now, I want to help contribute, but I also want to achieve and use my management degree. I want to start a small business that will help change the world, even a tiny bit, but I am not quite sure how to achieve that. Does anyone have suggestions as to what kind of small business can help me achieve these goals? Your feedback is much appreciated. Thank you.|||I have researched the green industry and have a couple ideas that may work for you. There are opportunities in the field of energy audits or ratings. This is where a qualified energy rater goes into a home and determines the energy-efficiency of the home and gives recommendations to the home owner on how they can improve energy efficiency. You could take the courses to become certified and perform audits yourself and as you grow hire other energy raters into your business. I have also seen a whole industry develop where small companies set up Green Living Expos or conferences all over the country. This may appeal to your desire to be in management.
I have also noticed that many colleges now have entrepeneur classes and clubs, as well as %26quot;Green%26quot; clubs. This is probably a great place to get potential ideas, and you may even meet a potential business partner. |||Hopefully, you have already studied forms of ownership.
(Sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, . . .)
Maybe you can offer shares, or options to people who can come up with good ideas. |||one thing that i have seen a need for is energy usage consulting... finding ways for businesses to use less energy. save them money and save the enviroment
I have also noticed that many colleges now have entrepeneur classes and clubs, as well as %26quot;Green%26quot; clubs. This is probably a great place to get potential ideas, and you may even meet a potential business partner. |||Hopefully, you have already studied forms of ownership.
(Sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, . . .)
Maybe you can offer shares, or options to people who can come up with good ideas. |||one thing that i have seen a need for is energy usage consulting... finding ways for businesses to use less energy. save them money and save the enviroment
How did world war 2 change the business cycle?
:D|||The Marshall Plan boosted the growth of the German and Japanese economies.
Business sectors in first world countries?
they are:
- public/private
- primary/secondary/tertiary
what is the structure of these sectors change in developed (1st world) countries over time?
how does it affect business activities? for example, work force, companies, imports/exports
- public/private
- primary/secondary/tertiary
what is the structure of these sectors change in developed (1st world) countries over time?
how does it affect business activities? for example, work force, companies, imports/exports
Why can I see a business' future but cannot change it?
I know this sounds strange, but why can I see a business%26#039; future, but not do anything about it? I am a consultant in the business world, often dealing with fortune 1000 companies. I meditate quite regularly and often I can see the future fate of the business.
Without directly saying a word I can see their future, I try to suggest, coddle and suggest the business change their business practices. However, in most cases, the business will usually suffer much and close.
However, some of the people individually learn become better people. Still, the business closes. Now here is the strange part, several weeks before the collapse, a new job comes my way, usually without me looking for it. And I repeat the entire process.
So why can I see things, yet not change anything?|||Well it isnt your business you can only suggest and if they dont listen it isnt your doing. The question i have is do they do what you say? Maybe instead of suggesting what they should do you should tell them what you see in their future and the outcome. Then tell them how to fix the things you see. But remember you are only the consultant and you can only give the idea. It is up to the business owner to decide to follow your advise|||Who made it your mission to save the world?
What about your self worth makes you feel the need to shoulder that burden?
Without directly saying a word I can see their future, I try to suggest, coddle and suggest the business change their business practices. However, in most cases, the business will usually suffer much and close.
However, some of the people individually learn become better people. Still, the business closes. Now here is the strange part, several weeks before the collapse, a new job comes my way, usually without me looking for it. And I repeat the entire process.
So why can I see things, yet not change anything?|||Well it isnt your business you can only suggest and if they dont listen it isnt your doing. The question i have is do they do what you say? Maybe instead of suggesting what they should do you should tell them what you see in their future and the outcome. Then tell them how to fix the things you see. But remember you are only the consultant and you can only give the idea. It is up to the business owner to decide to follow your advise|||Who made it your mission to save the world?
What about your self worth makes you feel the need to shoulder that burden?
Using a Mac in the business world?
I understand a lot of businesses use PC%26#039;s and Office, and my Mac has Office installed in it. Now for a future reference, do I really have to change platforms (Mac to PC) or should I be okay sticking with my Mac? Just for the idea of where I%26#039;m at, I%26#039;m a college student that%26#039;s looking into marketing, management, or sales or to write comics.|||I%26#039;d say stick with the mac! I am totally in love with macs although I am exeptionally good at working with PCs as well. Macs will get you farther and if you already have office installed you should be all set. With the graphics on Macs, marketing will be your best friend!|||You will be fine. An even if you do encounter Windows software that isn%26#039;t compatible with Mac OS X you can always dual boot with Bootcamp. Though you will need to have/buy Windows and install on Bootcamp for this to work as the OS isn%26#039;t installed as default.|||I haven%26#039;t had much problem in the business world with a mac. 99% of the time, I can do the same or more of the job with the mac.|||Most likely this is something that your employer will decide since the computer you will use will be supplied to you.
Is a four year Business degree really much different than a 2 year?
I will have finished my Business Administration, associates degree in March and debating on whether a bachelors is really that much more useful?
With ever changing technology, theories, and company specific accounting and software practices, is there a huge difference in today%26#039;s business world?
Will the 4 year degree open more doors than a 2 year degree or are people looking at other factors such as personality and software training?|||Yes bachelors %26gt; associates|||I agree for sure. a bachelor%26#039;s degree is way more valuable than an associates.
With ever changing technology, theories, and company specific accounting and software practices, is there a huge difference in today%26#039;s business world?
Will the 4 year degree open more doors than a 2 year degree or are people looking at other factors such as personality and software training?|||Yes bachelors %26gt; associates|||I agree for sure. a bachelor%26#039;s degree is way more valuable than an associates.
Can the world do business with China?
The inscrutable Chinese and their closed country are quietly going about changing the face of the world.
Can we trust them?|||We already are.They%26#039;ve got most of America%26#039;s jobs and getting more everyday.|||Probably not trust, but as an entrepreneur, I enjoy making money off of them.|||yes minimum Iam doing with a chinese girl....very tight...business|||true dat|||You call yourself a humanist? I would replace %26quot;HUMAN%26quot; for %26quot;RAC%26quot;.
Do you trust President Bush and his crusade in Iraq? Many thousands of innocent inhabitants of Iraq have been savagely murdered.
The Chinese are great people, very centered. You should trust them.
Can we trust them?|||We already are.They%26#039;ve got most of America%26#039;s jobs and getting more everyday.|||Probably not trust, but as an entrepreneur, I enjoy making money off of them.|||yes minimum Iam doing with a chinese girl....very tight...business|||true dat|||You call yourself a humanist? I would replace %26quot;HUMAN%26quot; for %26quot;RAC%26quot;.
Do you trust President Bush and his crusade in Iraq? Many thousands of innocent inhabitants of Iraq have been savagely murdered.
The Chinese are great people, very centered. You should trust them.
Why do some people saying women are better in sales when men dominate the business world?
I can see in some cases are better sales people.....
but it is a widely known factor men are better salesmen
that%26#039;s why there ceos and executives...if woman in generalwere better sales then how come there not on top? if your good you would get on top
even this girl told me she changed her mind in getting into buiness because it would be hard for a woman to climb up|||the reason mostly men are CEO%26#039;s and other high level executives is NOT because they are necessarily better salespeople. They reached these higher levels because of several reasons. Here are two that I was taught, by a man no less, in a business class in college.
1. Men have been in the work force longer. Women in big business is a relatively new idea. It can take a person%26#039;s whole career to become a CEO or chairperson. Most of the people that are executives now were entry level employees before the time that women in big business became common place. So, they%26#039;ve had more time to work their way up than women have.
2. There%26#039;s an idea of something called the %26#039;glass ceiling%26#039; which refers to situations where the advancement of a qualified person within the hierarchy of an organization is stopped at a lower level because of some form of discrimination. Like I stated before, most of the head honchos entered the work force before women were commonplace in business. So, they feel that men are superior. Hence they promote men before women.
These ideas are changing and there are plenty companies that now have women as CEO%26#039;s and other top executive spots. There are currently 11 women running fortune 500 companies. Its a slow climb for many, but you%26#039;ll be seeing more and more women CEO%26#039;s in the future.
Here%26#039;s a recent article about the glass ceiling in business that you should refer to your friend.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/specials/g鈥?/a>|||It%26#039;s not hard for a woman to climb to the top because of her lack of sales. Usually it is because of male domination. I worked retail for a video game company, and it was hard for women to climb to the top because of the stereotypes within the industry. It%26#039;s all politics.
I don%26#039;t think that there can be a generalized answer to what gender is better in sales. I know that I could sell a coat, hat, gloves, earmuffs and a heater to a person in hell. It%26#039;s all about being comfortable in your own skin.
You also won%26#039;t be able to say that women aren%26#039;t the product of discrimination, because it was reported a few years back that women in the same position as men in a certain company I will leave unnamed, received considerably less than the men, and the women were at times more experienced in sales and management.
As for your comment, or question rather about why there aren%26#039;t women at the top, well that statement is just a blind accusation. Who said that women are not at the top?
Anywho, it%26#039;s hard a lot of the times for women to succeed because of stereotypes, generalizations like the ones you have made, and just ignorance. Not saying all women are better salespeople or business women, but the ones who are great really have to work hard. They have to prove themselves to people like you, who just happen to hold the position of the boss.|||try looking at it like this
men are the best salesmen but women are the best executioners for the job.
why else would we have most of the retailers have women as cashiers, why else would we have hooters full of women.
why else have seductive images of women in video games covers, why have women swim suit models.
think thats where people get confuse, is not the women sell more them men but most of the time they are the ones doing the selling for the men.|||unfortunately you still have those men out there who think women are not good enough for these big top gun jobs but on the same hand women are just as good as men anyway the point is most bosses like women to to sales reping because there women there pretty they can draw in most men to seal the deal but also women are intelligent and relate to other women we are more sociable so were a better pick unlike a man who can sit at a desk all day secluded like they like to be but don%26#039;t get me wrong men are just as good as women my dad was a sales rep and went overseas but his boss was a women but the point is men and women are as good as each other some men are better at this and some women are better then that but in the end were all equally|||well i work and i cant be all smiley and preppy like girls are
see if youre a guy you%26#039;ll understand thats not easy i%26#039;ll just be like hey hows it going, cool cool...|||The salesmen make use of women%26#039;s looks to sell stuff for them
but it is a widely known factor men are better salesmen
that%26#039;s why there ceos and executives...if woman in generalwere better sales then how come there not on top? if your good you would get on top
even this girl told me she changed her mind in getting into buiness because it would be hard for a woman to climb up|||the reason mostly men are CEO%26#039;s and other high level executives is NOT because they are necessarily better salespeople. They reached these higher levels because of several reasons. Here are two that I was taught, by a man no less, in a business class in college.
1. Men have been in the work force longer. Women in big business is a relatively new idea. It can take a person%26#039;s whole career to become a CEO or chairperson. Most of the people that are executives now were entry level employees before the time that women in big business became common place. So, they%26#039;ve had more time to work their way up than women have.
2. There%26#039;s an idea of something called the %26#039;glass ceiling%26#039; which refers to situations where the advancement of a qualified person within the hierarchy of an organization is stopped at a lower level because of some form of discrimination. Like I stated before, most of the head honchos entered the work force before women were commonplace in business. So, they feel that men are superior. Hence they promote men before women.
These ideas are changing and there are plenty companies that now have women as CEO%26#039;s and other top executive spots. There are currently 11 women running fortune 500 companies. Its a slow climb for many, but you%26#039;ll be seeing more and more women CEO%26#039;s in the future.
Here%26#039;s a recent article about the glass ceiling in business that you should refer to your friend.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/specials/g鈥?/a>|||It%26#039;s not hard for a woman to climb to the top because of her lack of sales. Usually it is because of male domination. I worked retail for a video game company, and it was hard for women to climb to the top because of the stereotypes within the industry. It%26#039;s all politics.
I don%26#039;t think that there can be a generalized answer to what gender is better in sales. I know that I could sell a coat, hat, gloves, earmuffs and a heater to a person in hell. It%26#039;s all about being comfortable in your own skin.
You also won%26#039;t be able to say that women aren%26#039;t the product of discrimination, because it was reported a few years back that women in the same position as men in a certain company I will leave unnamed, received considerably less than the men, and the women were at times more experienced in sales and management.
As for your comment, or question rather about why there aren%26#039;t women at the top, well that statement is just a blind accusation. Who said that women are not at the top?
Anywho, it%26#039;s hard a lot of the times for women to succeed because of stereotypes, generalizations like the ones you have made, and just ignorance. Not saying all women are better salespeople or business women, but the ones who are great really have to work hard. They have to prove themselves to people like you, who just happen to hold the position of the boss.|||try looking at it like this
men are the best salesmen but women are the best executioners for the job.
why else would we have most of the retailers have women as cashiers, why else would we have hooters full of women.
why else have seductive images of women in video games covers, why have women swim suit models.
think thats where people get confuse, is not the women sell more them men but most of the time they are the ones doing the selling for the men.|||unfortunately you still have those men out there who think women are not good enough for these big top gun jobs but on the same hand women are just as good as men anyway the point is most bosses like women to to sales reping because there women there pretty they can draw in most men to seal the deal but also women are intelligent and relate to other women we are more sociable so were a better pick unlike a man who can sit at a desk all day secluded like they like to be but don%26#039;t get me wrong men are just as good as women my dad was a sales rep and went overseas but his boss was a women but the point is men and women are as good as each other some men are better at this and some women are better then that but in the end were all equally|||well i work and i cant be all smiley and preppy like girls are
see if youre a guy you%26#039;ll understand thats not easy i%26#039;ll just be like hey hows it going, cool cool...|||The salesmen make use of women%26#039;s looks to sell stuff for them
How has today's business environment changed from that of 10-20 years ago??
What changes have occured in the business world since then?
How can managment adapt to changes like these?|||Competition in most fields not heavily regulated by the government is much higher.
In many cases, managment didn%26#039;t adapt, and those businesses shrank or were bought.
How can managment adapt to changes like these?|||Competition in most fields not heavily regulated by the government is much higher.
In many cases, managment didn%26#039;t adapt, and those businesses shrank or were bought.
South Africa hosting world cup what business to do as a entrepreneur?
What can some one do to make money as a biginer in business and suceed tha%26#039;s what world cup is about to change peoples live%26#039;s|||Toi-toi and sell Soweto Confetti [rocks to throw if you miss that one mate!] - KIDDING!!!
For a beginner sell t-shirts. Start getting decent designs together and good shirts [cost]. I did it several years ago in Bloemfontein and made decent change off it with the World cup Rugby! [Viva Bokke!]
Email me if you need some help.
For a beginner sell t-shirts. Start getting decent designs together and good shirts [cost]. I did it several years ago in Bloemfontein and made decent change off it with the World cup Rugby! [Viva Bokke!]
Email me if you need some help.
How did the period following the American Civil War lead to the creation of the modern business world in the..?
US and what were the three most critical development/changes that took place during this time in regard to influencing our modern society?????|||The civil war changed many things in the United States, it was considered the first modern war of it%26#039;s time. The war forced many new inventions, such as new weapons and canned food, medical treatment of soldiers and thy way they were moved around. Trains and boats were used to move troops from one area to another. Storing of foods for the troops and the use of canning to keep the food from spoiling.
New businesses had to be set up to rebuild the devastated south and more industry sprang up in the north as more immigrants came over.
New businesses had to be set up to rebuild the devastated south and more industry sprang up in the north as more immigrants came over.
Name one recent invention that change the business in the world today?
Depends on what you mean by recent but here%26#039;s a few:
the Internet
ip phones
workflow software
Mobile phones
instant messaging
Blue tooth / wireless connectivity|||the iphone.. :]|||The blackberry.
VOIP phones.|||The micro chip|||What is recent?
The light globe.
The harnessing of electricty.|||A copy machine that faxes and makes PDF documents
the Internet
ip phones
workflow software
Mobile phones
instant messaging
Blue tooth / wireless connectivity|||the iphone.. :]|||The blackberry.
VOIP phones.|||The micro chip|||What is recent?
The light globe.
The harnessing of electricty.|||A copy machine that faxes and makes PDF documents
How does information technology influences our society and development of business world?
Information Technology and the society, how it changes and shapes the way we live and interacts. And how it help businesses to succeed|||search for tps on google
Briefly describe innovations in business (1500's). How was the business world different from the fusdalisitc?
world of the earlier Middle Ages? How did businessmen in England and Netherlands contribute to these changes?|||See this site:
How did the East India Company change the world?
I need 3 main points to make. I already have that it changed the world of business, trade routes, and i need one more. Can anyone think of how it changed the world? Maybe something that business can be broken into two different groups insted of just one. Any ideas?|||THE EAST INDIA COMPANY WAS AN ECONOMIC DISASTER FOR INDIA AND MANY OTHER COLONIES
Singapore and Hong Kong were established by The Company and India was shaped and influenced by it.
Singapore and Hong Kong were established by The Company and India was shaped and influenced by it.
What would be the best foreign language to learn in today's changing economic world?
It seems like Chinese would be best, since China owns the United States, but maybe Spanish would be, since millions of illegals are about to be legalized.
Anyone in business have a read on what is in demand these days?|||no, i am|||spanish|||or English. After all,it was the British Empire that covered 1/4 of the world%26#039;s landmass and where it was always day %26amp; night somewhere within the British Empire( remember the saying%26#039;s %26#039;The sun never sets on the British Empire%26#039;) So just enough people probably having @ least a basic understanding of English.
As for chinese %26amp; spanish,I%26#039;d recommend that 2,since it%26#039;s just not the illegals,but the whole Latin American connection they happen to have.
Well there%26#039;s still 1.3 billion potential laborers,consumers %26amp; savers out there yet to be tapped! Good Luck with this.|||learn hindi, which is the indo-aryan language and also part of indo-european language
indians r delighted to meet whites even today; chinese r known as racist and rude; im staying in singapore with majority chinese race n that y im telling u;|||yes, i agree|||From the tons of footage I%26#039;ve seen on TV, there seem to be a lot of Asians who speak at least a little bit of English; Spanish-speaking people seem to be the opposite.
Now, because there are a lot of Spanish-speaking folk who live here who fit that profile, if you are a customer-service rep, it could behoove you to speak Spanish. This will give you a leg up on many jobseekers, since most Americans are unilingual.
Anyone in business have a read on what is in demand these days?|||no, i am|||spanish|||or English. After all,it was the British Empire that covered 1/4 of the world%26#039;s landmass and where it was always day %26amp; night somewhere within the British Empire( remember the saying%26#039;s %26#039;The sun never sets on the British Empire%26#039;) So just enough people probably having @ least a basic understanding of English.
As for chinese %26amp; spanish,I%26#039;d recommend that 2,since it%26#039;s just not the illegals,but the whole Latin American connection they happen to have.
Well there%26#039;s still 1.3 billion potential laborers,consumers %26amp; savers out there yet to be tapped! Good Luck with this.|||learn hindi, which is the indo-aryan language and also part of indo-european language
indians r delighted to meet whites even today; chinese r known as racist and rude; im staying in singapore with majority chinese race n that y im telling u;|||yes, i agree|||From the tons of footage I%26#039;ve seen on TV, there seem to be a lot of Asians who speak at least a little bit of English; Spanish-speaking people seem to be the opposite.
Now, because there are a lot of Spanish-speaking folk who live here who fit that profile, if you are a customer-service rep, it could behoove you to speak Spanish. This will give you a leg up on many jobseekers, since most Americans are unilingual.
How has e-business change the world?
It%26#039;s made companies quicker to get the goods to the consumer.
How to make money in the business world by going green?
Simply put. How can you make money in the business world, by going green? The initial costs are usually huge... what changes can one make in the workplace that result in big savings, or profit making?|||it depends on how you market. consumers are very green savvy these days and many expect companies they work with will be doing extra to protect the environment. with that said, marketing plays a key role in getting information out to consumers that your company is applying green principles to your operations. you will attract customers this way.
check this article out for super easy ideas for going green both at work and at home:
http://www.ehow.com/how_4552010_green-fi鈥?/a>|||Follow the 3Rs. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
By simply Recycling the stuff ( but make sure that its clean). Which includes scratch papers and paper bags, avoid buying plastics (biodegradable materials are cheaper ;P)
If you are in a restaurant style, dont give bendy straws it just add to the waste. I hope that i had been of help.
|||not all initial costs are huge.. but it depends what kind of business you have..
turning lights off when people are not there costs you nothing.. but saves alot..
there are probably a lot of extra lights on all the time.. if you look around... and maybe the heat can be turned down 1 degree.. or use less air conditioning.. (use curtains on windows to cut down sun from heating up in the summer)
add a few LIVE plants.. this also improves morale too!
use junk faxes as not paper - eg.. cut them up and write on the back..|||Turn off computers at night- no expence and money saved. Same with lights and heat and a/c.
|||I would suggest finding a work at home job. The below article has a lot of tips and ideas on how to make money from home. Good luck!
check this article out for super easy ideas for going green both at work and at home:
http://www.ehow.com/how_4552010_green-fi鈥?/a>|||Follow the 3Rs. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
By simply Recycling the stuff ( but make sure that its clean). Which includes scratch papers and paper bags, avoid buying plastics (biodegradable materials are cheaper ;P)
If you are in a restaurant style, dont give bendy straws it just add to the waste. I hope that i had been of help.
|||not all initial costs are huge.. but it depends what kind of business you have..
turning lights off when people are not there costs you nothing.. but saves alot..
there are probably a lot of extra lights on all the time.. if you look around... and maybe the heat can be turned down 1 degree.. or use less air conditioning.. (use curtains on windows to cut down sun from heating up in the summer)
add a few LIVE plants.. this also improves morale too!
use junk faxes as not paper - eg.. cut them up and write on the back..|||Turn off computers at night- no expence and money saved. Same with lights and heat and a/c.
|||I would suggest finding a work at home job. The below article has a lot of tips and ideas on how to make money from home. Good luck!
Who are the top business professors of the world - people who have the ideas to change the world?
It is necessary to get rid of poverty to change the world to the advantage of all.|||me 1-10|||Look up the TriLateral Commission. Look thoroughly. It might scare you but it is very real.|||Larry,Moe %26amp; Curley|||Poverty is good, without it there is no greed as people can never improve themselfs.
Without greed there is no incentive 2 get up.
Without greed there is no incentive 2 get up.
How did world war 1 cause the federal government to change its relationship with the business world.?
Well it had to give aid to European countries to build back its economy (similar to WW2s martial aid) these were loans recalled during the great depression!
I wanna start a business thats going to change the world.Any ideas?
I%26#039;m gonna make you my partner if you have the best idea for the business..Seriously.Trust me.50:50|||hmmm... how old are you???
my opinion... best idea to start a business is always to choose the easy way. business on the internet this is what you are searching for.
more concretely: A site... built a site... if you have a good site with a tremendous good rank then companies will post commercials and you win money. it%26#039;s easy ... you just need a catchy idea.
for instance.. built a site where there will be %26quot;teachers%26quot; and %26quot;students%26quot; ... all of them has to be signed in... you calculate the rank, which will be visible, every day
the %26quot;teachers%26quot; are some kind of moderators of the site... they are those who solve problems for the %26quot;students%26quot;... anybody can become a teacher if he passes some tests... on that site you should have everything a student needs... i mean.. problems, theory, movies (documentaries,movie related to subject at school, you know...), tips and tricks, opportunities for highschool, german and english lessons, surveys, tests etc etc...
this way many students will visist your site and you will get a good rank...commercials will knock on your door... and money... money will float :)
what do you think?|||Strart a Porn Industry and that would rock the world!!!|||If you really want to change the world then have a look at the link (videos) below. It will be apart of a healthy future both for people and financially.
We can have and hold beauty, goodness and truth and also be in business.|||Divide the moon and sell them to people. I don%26#039;t expect the 50%, because i know it will be 0.|||I too looking for partner to start my business . I have plenty of ideas which i can%26#039;t share on this platform due to secrecy reason. If you are serious and not here for fun, than contact me at my mail tzt222@yahoo.co.in i m very keen to start Business very soon but due to hectic schedule won%26#039;t spare much time.|||Hey .. Gud one for U, as we see a lot of them are losing their jobs n going mad on handling their family and finances !! U can set up counselling center for such people .. 01. U extend Ur helping hand 02. U also will earn by helping them re-organise. :) all the best.
my opinion... best idea to start a business is always to choose the easy way. business on the internet this is what you are searching for.
more concretely: A site... built a site... if you have a good site with a tremendous good rank then companies will post commercials and you win money. it%26#039;s easy ... you just need a catchy idea.
for instance.. built a site where there will be %26quot;teachers%26quot; and %26quot;students%26quot; ... all of them has to be signed in... you calculate the rank, which will be visible, every day
the %26quot;teachers%26quot; are some kind of moderators of the site... they are those who solve problems for the %26quot;students%26quot;... anybody can become a teacher if he passes some tests... on that site you should have everything a student needs... i mean.. problems, theory, movies (documentaries,movie related to subject at school, you know...), tips and tricks, opportunities for highschool, german and english lessons, surveys, tests etc etc...
this way many students will visist your site and you will get a good rank...commercials will knock on your door... and money... money will float :)
what do you think?|||Strart a Porn Industry and that would rock the world!!!|||If you really want to change the world then have a look at the link (videos) below. It will be apart of a healthy future both for people and financially.
We can have and hold beauty, goodness and truth and also be in business.|||Divide the moon and sell them to people. I don%26#039;t expect the 50%, because i know it will be 0.|||I too looking for partner to start my business . I have plenty of ideas which i can%26#039;t share on this platform due to secrecy reason. If you are serious and not here for fun, than contact me at my mail tzt222@yahoo.co.in i m very keen to start Business very soon but due to hectic schedule won%26#039;t spare much time.|||Hey .. Gud one for U, as we see a lot of them are losing their jobs n going mad on handling their family and finances !! U can set up counselling center for such people .. 01. U extend Ur helping hand 02. U also will earn by helping them re-organise. :) all the best.
What is a better degree to have Business or Accounting?
Program Info
Business Program
With a background in Business, you will have the tools you need to begin an exciting and challenging career in the business field. Learn to apply classroom solutions to real-life business situations with our well-rounded curriculum.
This program was designed for the students interested in working in sales, office administration, small business management, marketing, or human resources.
The program provides hands-on computer training, accounting skills, and a solid background in business.
Business Class Training
The Business program includes training in the following:
Accounting Principles
Computer Applications
Principles of Management
Introduction to Human Resources
Applied Business Law
Students elect to concentrate in business administration, management, marketing, or international business. Focused coursework is available in each concentration.
You will be prepared to meet challenges in the ever-changing business world. You can apply the necessary business, decision-making and organizational skills gathered from this program to the corporate world.
Business Career Opportunities
Job openings in the business field are predicted to significantly increase over the next few years. Now is the time to position yourself for this exciting career field.
Some career opportunities include:
Management Trainee
Payroll Supervisor
Accounting Clerk
Business Administrator
And for Accounting;
Accounting Program
You will learn the theoretical concepts and practical applications of accounting, as well as the data and information processing skills necessary to succeed in this exciting industry.
As you know, strong problem-solving, mathematic and analytical skills are essential to success in the accounting field. And this Accounting program will provide you with the training to excel in these areas.
Accounting Class Training
The Accounting program includes training in the following:
Principles of Accounting
Introductory Cost/Managerial Accounting
Corporate Accounting
Payroll Accounting
Non-Profit Accounting
Tax Accounting
Business Enterprise
Business Law
As with other industries, technology plays an integral role in the accounting field. So, you鈥檒l also take classes in computer applications and spreadsheets.
Accounting Career Opportunities
Job openings in the accounting field are predicted to significantly increase over the next few years. Now is the time to position yourself for this trend by making sure you have a solid knowledge and understanding of the accounting profession.
Some career opportunities include:
Accounting Assistant
Accounting Clerk
Management Trainee|||What do you mean by better?|||With USA in financial melt-down I%26#039;d prefer honest accounting more than business as usual.
Business Program
With a background in Business, you will have the tools you need to begin an exciting and challenging career in the business field. Learn to apply classroom solutions to real-life business situations with our well-rounded curriculum.
This program was designed for the students interested in working in sales, office administration, small business management, marketing, or human resources.
The program provides hands-on computer training, accounting skills, and a solid background in business.
Business Class Training
The Business program includes training in the following:
Accounting Principles
Computer Applications
Principles of Management
Introduction to Human Resources
Applied Business Law
Students elect to concentrate in business administration, management, marketing, or international business. Focused coursework is available in each concentration.
You will be prepared to meet challenges in the ever-changing business world. You can apply the necessary business, decision-making and organizational skills gathered from this program to the corporate world.
Business Career Opportunities
Job openings in the business field are predicted to significantly increase over the next few years. Now is the time to position yourself for this exciting career field.
Some career opportunities include:
Management Trainee
Payroll Supervisor
Accounting Clerk
Business Administrator
And for Accounting;
Accounting Program
You will learn the theoretical concepts and practical applications of accounting, as well as the data and information processing skills necessary to succeed in this exciting industry.
As you know, strong problem-solving, mathematic and analytical skills are essential to success in the accounting field. And this Accounting program will provide you with the training to excel in these areas.
Accounting Class Training
The Accounting program includes training in the following:
Principles of Accounting
Introductory Cost/Managerial Accounting
Corporate Accounting
Payroll Accounting
Non-Profit Accounting
Tax Accounting
Business Enterprise
Business Law
As with other industries, technology plays an integral role in the accounting field. So, you鈥檒l also take classes in computer applications and spreadsheets.
Accounting Career Opportunities
Job openings in the accounting field are predicted to significantly increase over the next few years. Now is the time to position yourself for this trend by making sure you have a solid knowledge and understanding of the accounting profession.
Some career opportunities include:
Accounting Assistant
Accounting Clerk
Management Trainee|||What do you mean by better?|||With USA in financial melt-down I%26#039;d prefer honest accounting more than business as usual.
What American, American event, or American business/industry that changed the world?
I%26#039;m doing a project and I need to know what ideas I could do.
Thanks.|||I will discuss here only how Americans changed the Computer world
1- the American who changed the computer world was Bill Gates for his Windows and Microsoft office
2- The event was launching the first IBM PC
3- The business/industry Is Information technology.
Thank you|||Thomas Jefferson--he bought the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon. Just think about how different it would have been if he hadn%26#039;t bought that.
Just an idea, this is what I%26#039;ve been learning about in school|||You could do the movie camera or the sound recording system by Edison.|||Ford and the mass production of cars in the Ford factory
Thanks.|||I will discuss here only how Americans changed the Computer world
1- the American who changed the computer world was Bill Gates for his Windows and Microsoft office
2- The event was launching the first IBM PC
3- The business/industry Is Information technology.
Thank you|||Thomas Jefferson--he bought the Louisiana Purchase from Napoleon. Just think about how different it would have been if he hadn%26#039;t bought that.
Just an idea, this is what I%26#039;ve been learning about in school|||You could do the movie camera or the sound recording system by Edison.|||Ford and the mass production of cars in the Ford factory
What needs 2 happen in America to prepare the workforce for the changing world, so that we do not fall behind?
The American workforce is facing a changing world. American jobs are being outsourced to other countries and jobs are being lost in America.
September 2007, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate was 4.6 and -4000 was added.
I beleive many Americans want American jobs to stay in America, and make jobs availiable to Americans citizens.
Globalization is great. Today, we now live in a borderless business environment, but if companies are sending jobs to other countries and the American general workforce will not benefit from this business model, who wins? Certainly not American workers, because we can not get a good paying job.
Again, what do we need to do as a country, to better prepare American workers, so we do not fall behind other countries with regard to jobs and a quality workforce?|||In the last 25 years,our manufacturing base has been cut in half.Too late to cry about it now.Best course for the young and talented is to acquire skills that have a global marketability.Rest of America will need to learn how to get by with less while buying foreign made junk at Wally World.|||Question comes too late.|||On the low end spectrum, if America wants to compete with foreign cheap labor, they%26#039;re going to have to work for low wages and for fewer benefits. Their is no way around this; you have to compete with what%26#039;s available and the most desperate people will work for whatever they can. Even on the high end field this is true. I%26#039;m a computer programmer, my field used to enjoy incredibly lucrative salaries. Not so much anymore, Indian programmers will do the same quality of work for about $10-$20 / hour. Gone are the days when a programmer could easily be making 6 figures several years out of college.
One way America could increase its manufacturing economy is by signing off on some type of amnesty or guest worker program. This would increase company%26#039;s incentives to operate within America (and pay taxes to our government).
September 2007, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate was 4.6 and -4000 was added.
I beleive many Americans want American jobs to stay in America, and make jobs availiable to Americans citizens.
Globalization is great. Today, we now live in a borderless business environment, but if companies are sending jobs to other countries and the American general workforce will not benefit from this business model, who wins? Certainly not American workers, because we can not get a good paying job.
Again, what do we need to do as a country, to better prepare American workers, so we do not fall behind other countries with regard to jobs and a quality workforce?|||In the last 25 years,our manufacturing base has been cut in half.Too late to cry about it now.Best course for the young and talented is to acquire skills that have a global marketability.Rest of America will need to learn how to get by with less while buying foreign made junk at Wally World.|||Question comes too late.|||On the low end spectrum, if America wants to compete with foreign cheap labor, they%26#039;re going to have to work for low wages and for fewer benefits. Their is no way around this; you have to compete with what%26#039;s available and the most desperate people will work for whatever they can. Even on the high end field this is true. I%26#039;m a computer programmer, my field used to enjoy incredibly lucrative salaries. Not so much anymore, Indian programmers will do the same quality of work for about $10-$20 / hour. Gone are the days when a programmer could easily be making 6 figures several years out of college.
One way America could increase its manufacturing economy is by signing off on some type of amnesty or guest worker program. This would increase company%26#039;s incentives to operate within America (and pay taxes to our government).
Will implants change my image in the business world?
I am a business major and hope to become very successful one day. I have already learned from my journey that business is a mans world. (I%26#039;m not saying the presence of women does not exist) I mean to say that men are the majority. And I feel that being a minority in that field makes it tough enough to be taken seriously. But if I were to get breast implants will my business peers view me differently? Like a playboy model instead of a business associate? What do you think???
THANKS|||I%26#039;m not in the business world but I feel though this applies to all professional settings.
Just having big breasts in and of itself doesn%26#039;t make you any less respectable - if you were to start showing them off at every opportunity and dressing inappropriately then, speaking as a dude, I would definitely think of you as a doll/something pretty around the office and not take you seriously but it would have more to do with the manner in which you present yourself rather than the size of your breasts.|||I think they would respect you less and see you as an object rather than someone to be taken seriously.
THANKS|||I%26#039;m not in the business world but I feel though this applies to all professional settings.
Just having big breasts in and of itself doesn%26#039;t make you any less respectable - if you were to start showing them off at every opportunity and dressing inappropriately then, speaking as a dude, I would definitely think of you as a doll/something pretty around the office and not take you seriously but it would have more to do with the manner in which you present yourself rather than the size of your breasts.|||I think they would respect you less and see you as an object rather than someone to be taken seriously.
For an introductory business class, is the book :bussiness, a changing world 6th editon the same as 5th ed.?
btw, this is for an east los angeles college business class|||Of course it is not the same. They likely changed 3 or 4 words somewhere in the text and put a new edition on it so they can charge you an outrageous fee for a new book. The other thing thing the textbook makers change is the order of study questions. I think they do this so you cannot follow the homework assignments. Man I hated buying text books but good luck with school.
Everything in the world today is changing fast. How can we achieve stability in such a changing world?
am looking for answers that relate to a fast changing business and/or political environments.|||http://www.biznuss.friendsmela.com
check for that
i hope it will be beneficial for you
keep using answers.yahoo.com|||yoga
check for that
i hope it will be beneficial for you
keep using answers.yahoo.com|||yoga
In the past year, which political change has had the most effect on the business world?
I have this question to do for my business class tomorrow, so I was wondering what people think is the biggest political change on the business world in the past year that has made an instant impact on it.|||I would say raising the minimum wage. it has made it more expensive to do business and forced business to try to become more efficient and do more with less...........|||I don%26#039;t know what it was called, but until recently, the US government produced a regular report that detailed how many US dollars were in circulation. This report is no longer published and so no one knows how many dollars are printed and now in circulation. This, combined with other factors, has led to a lack of faith in the dollar and a devaluation of the currency.|||White Christians somehow don%26#039;t want the Business industry to control the US government = low gas price, low health insurance, control corruptions in congress....
As soon as the Jewish advisers job on the political platform = Hell in the USA|||Banning smoking in the office I reckon
As soon as the Jewish advisers job on the political platform = Hell in the USA|||Banning smoking in the office I reckon
How has business world changed in the past and how will it change in the future?
Plz give a reasonable and detailed explaination. Thnx!|||more young millionares today then ever before.
What are some of the key environmental variables that are changing in the business world today?
What impart will those changes have on the Human Resource Management function in organizations? Please help me answer this question!|||[PDF] Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management:
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[PDF] Development and strengthening of human resources management in the health
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The Impact of Human Resource Management on Social Performance
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[PDF] The Management of Human Resources
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Do HR systems affect the bottom line? We have the answer.
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Human Resouce Management
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concerning human dimensions and resource management. ... emphasis on motivations and environmental variables, some emphasis on past ...cpsp.cfans.umn.edu/Research/HumanDime鈥?br>
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... development for human resources management is one of the main variables ... environment. Unavailable. An interdivisional initiative. between HSP and HEP is under ...www.paho.org/English/GOV/CE/SPP/spp35鈥?br>
The Impact of Human Resource Management on Social Performance
... the human resources program does not specifically address environmental and social issues. ... they controlled for other variables that might be related to ...shrm.org/about/foundation/research/Pa鈥?- 60k - Cached
COBA - College of Business Administration, Creighton University
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Do HR systems affect the bottom line? We have the answer.
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Is the book business: a changing world 7th edition identical to the 6th edition? best answer for most helpful?
Iam a college student and bought the 7th edition for 130 dollars but someones selling a 6th edition for 45 dollars, it would be nice to save a little money. Help me out.|||It will probably be 98% the same. Sometimes I think they come out with new additions to make more money. But it%26#039;s rare things will end up on different pages. It also depends how quickly the subject matter changes. You could ask your professor if it%26#039;s OK to get the 6th edition. In my classes, the professors seemed aware sometimes kids would have a previous edition. One time I recall him telling kids who had an older edition to go to a different page, but usually it doesn%26#039;t matter. Shouldn%26#039;t it say somewhere in the beginning or the back of the book what changes were made?
How to stay on top of the changing business world and global economy?
I am a business student doing my first year of a B.BA in International Business. Afterward, I%26#039;m going to pursue an MBA. I%26#039;d like to stay up-to-date with American and international business happenings. What sort of television channels, magazines, or newspapers do business professionals use to keep up with happenings in the financial world?|||TV: CNN, Fox Business News, etc.
Journals/Mags: Wall Street Journal, Forbes
Websites: Forbes.com, businessweek.com, yahoo.com (finance), economist.com
I am a business student and these are my main sources of info.
Journals/Mags: Wall Street Journal, Forbes
Websites: Forbes.com, businessweek.com, yahoo.com (finance), economist.com
I am a business student and these are my main sources of info.
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