Friday 7 October 2011

Anybody willing to REALLY help a young aspiring woman out with SEO for her business? Help get on top of google?

Don't jump to conclusions yet. Let me explain please. I am a minor and I have created a website/business for myself and I am an affiliate marketer. My keyword term gets thousands of searches a month and i own the domain of that search term. I have worked very hard and I want to keep on working hard so I can make a passive income and live my life and my dreams. I want to change the world and make my life the best possible and I don't want to work a 9-5 job. I feel like I'm at a different level than my friends, all they talk about is boys, clothes and stupid things when I'm all about life and I want to change the world. To do this I need to get myself ahead of the game. I have been working extremely hard and I am quite proud of myself but its all a little overwhelming with all the things I need to do and then on top of that 8 hours of homework a day. I have a lot more things to do to my site but right now I really need traffic. I would like to work my way to the top of google when someone searches my search term (same as my domain). I really need help with seo and maybe writing small articles. I don't just need tips I need some straight to the point answers on like change this on your website and change this, and contact this person and whatever else. Writing articles with keywords that revolve around my main one or just links to my site would be wonderful. I am asking for someones help and it might be a lot to ask for nothing in return, but in return u will of helped the world, ik my job here on earth is to affect postiviely all the people in the world and if you can help me on this, you will help a a young girl follow her dreams and you will also be apart of chaning the world. I'm not trying to persuade you into helping me, I'm really telling you what I believe and feel. If there is anyone out there who is willing to help my follow my dreams please answer to this and then contact me and I will tell you more. If anyone does answer and says yes, I seriously won't ever be able to thank you enough. I want to be proactive in my life and I'm reaching out to the world for help. thank you for considering and live ur life.
Anybody willing to REALLY help a young aspiring woman out with SEO for her business? Help get on top of google?
Wow!! its so good to hear a yong person trying to be so successful in life! i will help you!

if you want thousands of customers to your website and you want to be ranked on google number one position in only 24 hours visit

http// ranknumberoneongoogle . com

that website should do the trick for you.

and please email me so i can help, there are alot of things about internet marketing you need to know! there are alot of scams out there!

im going to help you with all the right tools you need to be successful.

start off by using the techniques at that website first.
Anybody willing to REALLY help a young aspiring woman out with SEO for her business? Help get on top of google?
I have nothing to share with you. I am just proud of your spirit. You have a strong personality who wanted to change. Its great to read this voice from you, it's an inspiration.

GOOD LUCK to you!