Wednesday 26 October 2011

Social issue articles (10 points)?

Okay so, before someone accuses me of cheating or something. This is for a goup that i'm in, it's not a school assignment. AND the counseler specifically said that we can get it from friends, and family, blah, blah, as long as they are not also in this club. Soooooooooo.... help??

We need to find atleast 6 (alltogether) articles that can do with one, or a few of these topics:

鈥lobal warming / Greening of America / are we 鈥榞reening鈥?mostly for status

鈥he changing status of America as a World Power (either rising or declining status)

鈥he redefining of who society鈥檚 HEROES are (who are today鈥檚 heros 鈥?examples of 鈥?

鈥tatus of education in this country 鈥?k-12 / college -- changing roles of schools

鈥hanging dynamics - redefining of 鈥榯he family鈥? - why?

鈥ole of technology / personal lives / business/ world / education鈥︹€?

鈥acrifices we must make for technology (lack of privacy, terrorism, lethargy, etc.)

鈥ssues on college campuses (credit card debt 鈥?drinking age 鈥?drinking in general 鈥?cheating)

鈥he changing MORAL, ETHICAL face of our nation (on any level, any ages 鈥?personal, family, national)

鈥hanges in work force dynamics (more volunteers, fewer jobs, effects of cutbacks, etc)

鈥ur nation鈥檚 security 鈥?on any level

鈥ensorship 鈥?book, music, video, etc.

Sooooooo, can you guys help me and get me links to a couple? They need to be legit, from sometime over this 09 summer.

Whoever gives the most links gets points.

Thanks so much if ya' help :))
Social issue articles (10 points)?
those are good ideas for articles about social issues.
Social issue articles (10 points)?
way too many questions here

whats our nation I am in England where are you ?
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  • What can we do to educate our doctors?

    Dictionaries define the word ’doctor’ as ‘learned’, ‘teacher’, ‘most highly qualified’ etc. However, at least in our country, doctors are among the most ignorant. It may be natural for a doctor not to know much about hydro-geology. It may be possible for him not to be aware of the latest breakthroughs in astro-physics. But for a doctor not know much about Medicine, or not to be aware of the developments in his specialty is not only untenable, but also dangerous and criminal. Yet, there are thousands of doctors in our country who do not know much about Medicine, as it is practised today. Most of these doctors, it will be surprising to know, are very busy practitioners. I personally know of professors of Medicine who advise patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis to get Ayurvedic help since there is no drug in Modern Medicine (still erroneously and unfortunately called Allopathy, meaning “approximate”) for this disease. This is when even the most basic of textbooks of Medicine has a few pages discussing the drugs available for the treatment of this disease. Of course, the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, like that of most other medical illnesses, is developing and improving continually.

    “Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine”, the most trusted and respected resource on General Medicine all over the world, says, “Medicine is an ever-changing science.” It is estimated that about 50% of the medical knowledge is replaced by new, scientifically researched, proven and more robust information every ten years. This would mean that a person who qualified ten years ago and since has not tried to update his knowledge is 50% outdated. He may be more dangerous than the diseases that he treats!

    One important contribution for ignorant doctors come from private medical colleges. People purchase their degrees from these business institutions. Not much is taught or learned in most of these places.

    Paradoxically, it is frequently a blessing for a doctor not to know much. If one knows enough and well, relevant differential diagnoses (the other likely possibilities that must be excluded) will come to the mind when seeing a patient. It may make investigating and treating rather difficult, given the peculiar milieu of our country.

    It is important to introduce new legislation that makes it compulsory for doctors to renew their license every year after passing an examination designed to prove that their medical knowledge is up-to-date. It is unclear why the Government are reluctant to make any move in this direction, though one can make a few guesses.
    What can we do to educate our doctors?
    Medicine has been an enormous failure in so many ways. What else can you think of that has hyper-inflation year after year and produces very little for the increase in cost.

    People are obese, unhealthy, and sick. Medical care costs ten times more now than it did only 15 years ago, but our life expetancy hasn't changed by any measurable amount, and in fact may be declining. Many think that today's children my be the first generation to die at a younger age than their parents.

    Medicine hasn't cured anything in 50 years. We still have cancer, diabetes, aids, herpes, influenza, autism, pneumonia, and many other horrible diseases and at HIGHER rates than they were a generation ago. Our treatments for many of these diseases cost tens of thousands of dollars a year (if not a month) and have not increased our life in terms of years or quality. There is no prevention, only bandaids and pills. There is no cure, only tests and more tests.

    Healthcare is indeed a failure, unless you are one of those getting rich from it.
    What can we do to educate our doctors?
    Been to med school, have you? (ETA: apparently he has.)

    Thought not.

    I am willing to be as noisy as you like regarding doctors who espouse such nonsense as aruveydic practice. Or homeopathy, or acupuncture, or ay other pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo you like. It's bunkum. Horsefeathers. Bull puckey. Does that help?

    I happen not to go to a private medical school, but I am not aware that the curriculum varies significantly from the public university I do attend. The idea that students at *any* medical school %26quot;purchase%26quot; their diplomas does not bear scrutiny. There are standardized exams every year or so that every medical student must take and pass to remain in medical school. Are you aware that these exist?

    I am all too aware that there is much that I do not know, and even more aware that there is more being discovered every day. Sorting through new discoveries in any one given field is a career in itself.

    Renewing one's license every year is probably impractical. The examining boards alone would preclude it. However, your dialectic would seem to indicate that you believe that doctors never requalify. This is simply not true. They must, if they wish to remain certified, and regularly.

    I own a copy of Harrison's. I consult it frequently. Have you read any of it beyond your quote? (ETA: Probably he has.)

    I understand that your mind is unlikely to be changed by what you will undoubtedly see as the defensive rantings of an oversensitive medical student. However, any others who may be unfortunate enough to happen by should know this. Nothing that anyone like this can say can make me any less proud of the profession I have chosen to pursue. No such lies or disrespect can make me any less determined to do the best I can by my future patients. And no self-satisfied, priggish diatribe by someone who has clearly been educated beyond his ability to comprehend can possibly make the practice of medicine any less important to those who are ill.

    If you think so much is wrong with the current system--and I am far from defending the peculiar mix of insurance and misinformation that does seem to permeate this country--then I suggest you get off your *** and help change it. (ETA: Wrong country, apparently.)

    You know--like my classmates and me. The ones actually doing the work.
    You raise some VERY good points doctor.

    [And answerer %26quot;PS%26quot; raised my eyebrows]

    1st - there is repeat testing for medical boards in the US though not every year - that would be a bit much to expect.

    2nd - medicine has cured some diseases over the past fifty years - most notably SOME forms of cancer (ask Lance Armstrong). Unfortunately the kinds of cancer and leukemia that can be cured are relatively infrequent compared to incurable cancers such as advanced lung cancers which are predominately due to smoking. Doctors don't cause smoking.

    3rd - Obesity in America and elsewhere cannot be blamed on uneducated doctors. People need to help us help them.

    4th - You are correct that knowledge of differential diagnoses can lead to more testing. More testing costs more. We have many new tests and treatments which are very expensive. The successful cure of Lance Armstrong's widely metastatic malignancy would have been very expensive, but without it he would be dead today. How much is a human life worth?

    5th - You know the answer to the question about legislation. The doctor lobby is a strong one, but I'd venture to say that the insurance company and pharmaceutical lobbies are even stronger. The %26quot;people lobby%26quot; diminishes in comparison.

    Lastly - When I was a practicing cancer and leukemia specialist working very long hours, I still made sure to spend an hour a day with journals to keep up with the latest. I always did my paperwork immediately which takes more time actually than the patient care does. The result is that I burned out after 13 years of practice (after 13 years to get board certified in my specialties in the first place). There are only so many hours in the day. It is very difficult to be all knowing and always available. It can mean you have no life. Heck, I didn't even make a lot of money since many of the people I saw could not pay. You can decide not to put braces on a patient's teeth when they have no money to pay, but you cannot refuse to treat a life threatening leukemia or cancer for that reason - at least I could or would not turn any patient away for poor finances. There are doctors who try. I have known others like me who have burned out trying too hard.
    In the USA, education requirements vary from state to state but most require relicensure on a two to four year basis. With the application for renewal the physician must certify that he or she has completed continuing medical education courses (CME), roughly 50 hours (or credits) per year. Most specialty boards require a re-certification exam every 7 to ten years. In addition to being challenging, it is also expensive to take, both in exam fees and time lost to prepare. Many hospitals require board certification for staff membership and many HMO's and PPO's require it also. And for the cynics out there, many of us want the public to be aware of our qualifications.

    As to the increasing costs of health care, look first at managed care where 20% of health care dollars go to administrative costs and top executives earn salaries above $30 million per year. Additionally, the ever increasing standard of care drives up the cost. Finally, you require seven to ten years (including residency and fellowship) of intensive post college education, so you must expect that a person who has accomplished this ordeal will expect compensation.
    can't. Medical doctors follow a protocol and are based on patients having same symptoms being treated repeatelly most of the cases. each pt is treated differently but with same protocol.
    WOW! I am inclined to think either you are not satisfied with the course you've taken or you got disappointed with the medical field .must have been a serious reason for you to deduce such. Although, I agree with you that %26quot;doctoring' doesn't end really upon obtaining one's license.Not everyone who passes the medical licensure exams goes into residency.Some just become General Practitioners.Whether one does either, a doctor should be updated at all times. Medicine is really a dynamic science. What may be true now might be false tomorrow. Many things have already changed;be it for the best or worst , such that if a doctor is really not updated,surely, it's the patient that suffers as you've pointed out.Here in the Philippines,for instance, we can still see General Practitioners giving IM injections in the clinic when in fact, it was long ago discouraged.Giving IM injections in the %26quot;hip area%26quot; to children are also still being done by some .A continuing medical education is what is really needed whether one is a general practitioner or a specialist.The Philippine Regulation Commission which regulates all profession except for lawyers requires a certain number of CME units before renewal of license i.e. every 3 years. Each subspecialty society also requires their members certain number of units also before being considered a member in good standing. A certificate on this is required by some agencies before becoming an accredited physician. I think these activities allows one to become in touch with what is going on around and update or review ones knowledge.A good doctor also needs to attend more scientific meetings, convention to enhance personal professional growth.

    To my fellow colleagues in the medical field,i guess it's time to grow professionally. Patient's look up at us and give all their trust to us in case of illness. Let's go back to the old practice of %26quot;patient's first before anything else%26quot;.Money will follow..

    I'm about to legally change my last name. How should I tell people?

    I'm an adult in the business world. I haven't had a relationship with my father in years, and I'm changing my last name to my mother's legal/maiden name.
    I'm about to legally change my last name. How should I tell people?
    You've found the right person for this question! I am 44 and I legally changed my last name to my mother's maiden name when I was 17 because I have always had a horrible relationship with my father. I didn't want his name, and he was very angry about it, but I felt it was the right thing to do for me. I would just inform people that you work with that you are changing your last name for personal reasons, and leave it at that. You have NO obligation to tell anyone anything more personal about this than that. I think you're making a brave statement about who you want to be, and it takes guts to realize you don't want to carry on your father's name. When I changed my name, of course I was only 17, but legally it is fine if you change your name - just by doing it- I went to the DMV and got my last name changed. I notified Social Security and did the same thing. I didn't need a lawyer or anything. I even got a passport in my name. (It takes about seven years for you to use your new name legally to apply for a passport, fyi) Anyway, as I've mentioned, if anyone asks, you changed your last name for personal reasons. And if you want to tell people, you can choose to be honest and say that you haven't had a real relationship with your father for years, and your new last name is your mother's maiden name. No more explanation is required. Good luck!
    I'm about to legally change my last name. How should I tell people?
    I would do it the same way as married women do it. Send out an email stating that your name is changing and please update your contacts accordingly. Or...just change it in your personal life and leave the same at work until you go to a new job.
    If your doing PRON yes change your name..Due to safety issue's.You really didn't mention what kind of Adult business your doing so that's why I'm assuming this.. if it's because your getting married then yes...Good Luck.
    Just tell them you changed your name and what your

    new name is. You don't have to give out any more

    info than that. If its someone you trust and want to give

    out more info as to why you changed it then you can.
    Just say that due to some personal reasons you are legally changing your name and from now it will be [insert the name here.] If they are friends or family you may want to elaborate on it, if they are acquaintances, business contacts etc. just leave it at that.
    Have your business cards changed and start introducing yourself in your new last name. If anyone asks why, tell them that it is a personal matter. As for friends, it may take them awhile to adjust, but they will. (Look at all the women who get married and take their husbands last name).
    It depends on which way you want to go about it. You could either tell individuals as the need arises or you could send out a type of announcement. You could type something on the computer or have a printer prepare formal announcements. You could say %26quot;Please be advised that John J. Doe has formally changed his name to John J. Johnson. Please forward all correspondence to Mr. Johnson as his usual address.%26quot; or %26quot;John J. Doe proudly wishes to announce that he has changed his name to JOHN J. JOHNSON. Please make note of this change. You may continue to forward all correspondence to Mr. Johnson as his address of 123 My Highway, Your Town, USA%26quot;. Good luck to you and may God Bless you.
    You should print up cute little post cards and send them to everyone. You could get a great pic of you and your mom together for the front!
    Hold a party with your family and friends and when everyone comes in introduce yourself with your new name. It would also be a great excuse to have a party..

    How did both the American & Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?

    We all know how they did it (via illegal hacking into the internet mainframe with outside assistance).

    BUT my question is how the HELL did both losers (John HOW?WAR!DUH! %26amp; Georgie Porgie W BUSHWEEK) get away with it, and blatantly pulled it off in front of the whole world, and considering such fraudulent business in Australian Government, is Aussie government really as pathetic as the American Government as they've been showing us of late? Have we really joined America's ratrace of ULTIMATE self DOOM!

    It would be a nice change to be proven wrong for once I must say, I mean I only hope that the perception of the majority is wrong for all our sakes...Let me know what you think, maybe you could put this old silent warriors mind at ease at give me some reason to put faith back into our future government, because quite frankly everything they do at the moment is completely appauling and is absolutely disgusting %26amp; irrelevant to our Nations future with the rest of the world, let alone us.
    How did both the American %26amp; Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?
    I don't know why you think that the Australian elections were rigged. They were conducted the way they have always been and the votes were counted the way they have always been. I know it is hard to believe but Howard and his mob got in because the Liberals won - fair and square.

    The reason that we are going down the toilet, especially in international terms, is that Howard has an unhealthy and sycophantic adoration of George Bush and his mates and is copying Bush's policies at every opportunity. If you look at all the things that Howard has done with immigration, terrorist laws and nuclear (to name a few), they almost to the letter reflect the policies of the Bush administration so that Australia has become a little mini copy of the US. This is what Howard wants and this is what he is turning Australia into.

    In Australia, the rich are getting very much richer and the less rich are working longer and harder for less money. We have to pay for more public services than ever before and the %26quot;tax cuts%26quot; that are given to placate critics have actually been a major influence on interest rates by increasing inflation. The only people who are better off than they have ever been (as Howard keeps telling us we are!!) are those in the upper income bracket and those who already have more than their fair share of the money and power.

    The ordinary Aussie battlers are getting screwed and come next election Howard will realise that the majority of Australians are fed up with all his BS and that it is time for a change.
    How did both the American %26amp; Australian Government possibly get away with screwing the electoral polls?
    We live in countries that have voter that concern themselves with what is in it for them to the point that they are so blinded by the promises and the artificial fearmongering that they cannot see the lies until the reality bites them after the election. the majority are not necessarily right it often means that more people are wrong.
    No manipulation occurred, except (in the US) in Wisconsin, which was almost certainly stolen for Kerry.
    Leaving aside your major delusions, let me set one thing straight. Mainframes are pretty much the most secure form of computer, in use today.

    It is generally FAR (REPEAT, FAR) harder to hack a mainframe than any other machine.

    By comparison, web servers running Linux are Swiss cheese.
    Gotta love conspiracy theorists!

    You ****! Howard got in because the majority of aussies voted for him. There was no rigging. The federal government has don a great job, and has made some tough decisions to ensure that we are not like the other countries e.g. the US.

    Because of howard

    1. People can get a job if they want one

    2. Interest rates are still within safe limits

    3. Inflation is within safe limits

    4. Australia has no governement debt

    5. Australia can handle turbulent foreign markets without too much impact on our own economy

    People who vote for Rudd next election will be voting because they are selfish. They cannot see that things like workchoices are there for the greater good. They also only look at the short term pay issues, rather than realising that thousands of people now have jobs and no longer live in poverty, thanks to the flexability that the workchoices reforms allowed businesses. More women can now rejoin the work force without being restricted by Union agreements. People can work as much or as little as they want, and negotiate conditions individually to suit their own work/life balance. Stop the scare campaign and get back to your bachelor of arts degree.
    The majority of people does not believe what you are spewing because it is totally false. It's so false that even you know it's false. Nice try.

    All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?

    Wealth rules politics, wealth rules business, wealth rules power! The millionaire, the multi-millionaire, the billionaire, the multi-billionaire; do you really think that these people are going to change our country enough that we, the 'Have-Nots', and the 'have little, but want more's', are going to be able to make wealth for ourselves? Should they change the world for the better for us, they will be destroying the very social structure that has given them, and that guarantees them, their wealth, power and greed! It will always be 'No way Hose' on this one.

    A king will never abdicate his throne.

    Our present political candidates are 'lying through their teeth' about making this country better for the masses. They dream about giving away their money, but the reality is that they only want more money and more POWER! Look at how great the gulf between have and have-not has become, in this country, in the last 30 years or more. Our situation is getting poorer and poorer, they richer, hmmm?
    All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?
    All of our Presidential candidates are either wealthy or rich. Why should I believe that they have me in mind?
    While you obviously have to be wealthy to participate in politics at the highest levels, I don't think that precludes politicians from legitimately wanting to bring about beneficial change for the lower and middle classes. Also, many politicians who are currently well off came from humble beginnings. Those tough early years can shape a person's perspective for life, and often this allows rich people to continue to identify with the working class.

    I continue to believe in our system, and I hope that we can see a trend towards honesty in politics, no matter the subject.
    Most of the politicians are puppets of the globalist bankers such as the Rothchilds and Rockefellers. You should never believe what politicians say. Just look at their actions to see what they're really up to. More and more people are brainwashed by mainstream media and fooled into thinking that these stringed puppets care about the well being of American citizens. But common sense and clear logic should show you that they care about themselves and their globalist agenda.
    first who told you that they have your best interest in mind?

    They do not, they have their ego and a chance to leave a mark in the history books in mind. They get paid less to perform public office positions then they can make on the outside world. (However they build some dandy contacts for later busness).

    There is no intend to get rid of the have and have nots, the better ones try to make sure the have nots do not starve and get the a little medical treatment at least.

    However basic Capitalistic business will tell you that the rich create jobs to make a profit and provide jobs that are NOT going to loss them monies. This allows the poor to have work, earn money and survive and the rich to take in all the rest. IFa worker is smart enough he creates a %26quot;job%26quot;, %26quot;product%26quot; or %26quot;business%26quot; of his own and tries to join the ranks of the rich. Very simple concept, if the media is telling you that you are valuble person just because you exist then you are buying a load of crap.

    The rich just learned early how the rules are played by and keep the rules quite. After all they need the worker bees to make a profit.
    I've got to ask. What's the difference between wealthy and rich?

    Your premise seems to be that politicians only act in their own, or their class's, self interest. If that is the case then a poor politician will be just as bad and self serving as a rich / wealthy one.

    If they are rich then at least they are less tempted by bribery.
    What's the difference between wealthy and rich? They need money to get elected. Some families have wealth (e.g., Kennedy). Others have made money on the backs of average Americans (e.g., Edwards - trial attorney). They are all greedy for power.
    Yes - Republicans have proven they want more wealth and power.

    OTOH - John Edwards wasn't born rich - and understands the daily burden of Americans trying to make it in a world where the Republicans have deliberately widened the gap between rich and poor by focusing their constituents on hating gays and abortion. Oh- and Dems too.

    Edwards has the best ideas and the most specific - and will represent ALL Americans.

    Edwards - YaaaY!!
    Out of all the obstacles to wealth, which one is the greatest? the most formidable?

    Business majors I need some advice please?

    i have taken accounting and economics already(prerequistes only) and it find it really bland....boring....and not interesting at all...i've always wanted to work in business...but what u learn in the classroom u rarely use in the real world....because it is BORING to me i have been thinking of changing my major ....i mean if acct and economics classes dont interest u think i will be even less motivated as i get further into the degree?!??
    Business majors I need some advice please?
    One of the frustrations with the way these things are structured is that the only business classes you get to take for the first two years are usually economics, statistics, and accounting. For those of us who like the people side of business, it often is a complete turn-off. I'm not a student - I'm a marketing professor - but it is something my colleagues and I have often discussed. Know that you WILL use those skills in the real world (I filled in in an administrative job last year and was forced to use my 30-year old accounting skills!), but that there is very little in common between what you have taken so far and what you will get when you start to take your management and marketing classes. I went into business because I liked working with people, not numbers, and that was true of most of my classmates. You really do need to know the numbers in order to work with the people, but trust me - there is more to life than what you have already experienced!
    Business majors I need some advice please?
    Let me throw this at you. Here! Catch!

    According to a recent article in Business Week, 90% of the CEO's come up through accounting.

    Yes, accounting is boring. its dirty work, but those who do it well are rewarded quite handsomely.,

    Accounting I is, you have 30 widgets on the shelf, you paid $ 50.00 each for them.

    You buy 10 more at $ 55.00. cost.You sell 15 for $ 53.50, each. what did they cost you,

    Take intro to financial accounting. That was a fun cost, because it had real world applications.
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  • Family business & choosing a major,. Please Help!?

    Im a 19 year old sophomore female majoring in business at uni and got 2 more years to go. However,I feel like im wasting my time here and also not enjoying it though i know have an aptitude to study business and wanting to make it as my career. Its just that im so confused right now and having a hard time atm as im expected to acquire two types of degree at once which are the bachelor in business and automotive engineering and Im very much certain of myself that it would drive me insane and even now, im so worn out now just by thinking of this problematic idea which is mainly suggested by my dad whos the director in the family business at the moment.

    I became to be involved in the family business focused on Automotive repair services for 3years , However ive kinda lost passion for it right now as im incapable of handling all the things happening in my current life and few weeks ago, when i was doing a work on the car, changing brake pads and I was totally out of concentration at that time,thinking about how to fix/overcome this problem and eventually this was led into a stupid mistake - Forgot to put the caliper back on the front-left side of tyre. Every employees there saw my mistake and made a fun of me indirectly by talking about me behind my back, treating me like i wont be able to do anything cuz im a female.I find working with guys in a male-dominated business hard enough as being an opposite gender.Anyways Ive done this work lot of time and this was my first time making a mistake on it. I understand the concept of workplace/society is harsh and that many people around you will act harsh on ya as they want to win over you and bring you down and so on. This being said I accepted my negligence though i felt hurt inside because of how this has been a 'hot' topic for few weeks. So in addition to this, I thought its rather better for me to switch my path to Automotive engineering as early as possible as so that i can upgrade my skills/technique to competitive level as my dads employees' and that I actually want to specialise in this business. In addition to this, if i ever want to study business in future, then ill go for a graduate certificate or graduate diploma in business which would take 6months to a year to complete as according to the info booklet provided by the uni im currently attending to and in regard to this, it is stated that you would be only studying the few papers based on what youve chosen.

    I ll need to go to a polytechnic to major in automotive engineering because from where Im from which is NZ and as opposed to US where there are many many community colleges,universities, here in NZ there are only 7 universities and non of them offer automotive engineering courses, though they have engineering courses that require you a 4-5yrs of study and it involves many theoretical work but hardly practical work provided as you may already know of. This means that i ll need to switch into another tertiary education provider in which this does not matter to me at all, but dad thinks reputation is what matters the most so that i can get into big corporates but then at the same time he pursues that i should take over the family business hence i should know in depth about cars and business.

    My question is that, does having a business degree itself gurantee you anything successful in future,does it really matter?Majority of yahoo answers regarding 'Is it worthing having a business degree?%26quot; seem to be too general as most of the answers are like %26quot; yes, you can earn $$$ a year,make yourself rich n you can work in the famous financial institutions around the world,, and of course you will be more recognised than those who dont have a degree%26quot;.It makes sense at some point but Ive heard this million times so,, I just want a different answer here as I need to make myself a decision based on the most reasonable justification and pursue my dream regardless of what the obstacles are.

    My dad is the main person whom I have a trouble with and have argument with. Despite of this, I am a motivated person wanting to achieve in something and its not bad being in the family business but im just not certain how to solve the anxiety thats affecting my life at the moment.I just cannot understand the concept of majoring in two different types of subject at once, cuz i aint a production robot .Moreover this would mean I ll need to attend two different unis and it would double and triple the student loan i get.Its almost impossible and having a quality personal life is significant! Id rather go for one thing and let the other becomes the opportunity cost and just learn the business aspects in a real practice.

    Do you think it is too late to switch the path?

    your advice and opinions are kindly appreciated

    Family business %26amp; choosing a major,. Please Help!?
    hello there quite a history im currently a student of ACCA my father is a business man once i told my father that i will not do a job my father asked me then what will u do i told him i will do business just like u he ask me that u dont have an experience i said u will teach me then he gave me advice that if u want to learn some thing first do a job and learn on somebody else money. this is very good advice to u and other thing do what ever u want to do but study and there is nothing more good then joining a family business i can assure u that